(5): Flea Waltz

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A/N: No I am not sorry for the title, it just came to my head if I think of Shuichi and the word "ballroom". I kinda gave you guys a hint of the plot for this chapter—c'mon I know you know it.

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You stood in front of the cotton rope, hesistant. "(Y/N), you are sent here by the Royal Family themselves. They chose you out of all musicians out there, you came here for a reason. You can't go back home like this!" You reasssured yourself and tug the rope the sharp sound of the bell ringing itched your ears. "Better get used to it," after a few moments the door opened, "You ready?" Sayuri asked with a smile. You nodded and followed her to the ballroom.

On the way she warned you, "Make sure to don't lose sight of me. It's a big place you can get lost easily, it'll take you time to navigate." You lifted your head up seeing angels on clouds painted smoothly on the ceiling and just replied with 'mhm' before drifting into your own world. As you were walking with your head in the clouds, minding your own buissness you felt two hands grip your shoulders that brought you back to the castle. "I apologize Your Majesty," Sayuri with a worried expression and voice said. "Y-Your Majesty does that mean-" you looked at the boy infront of you.

"Prince Shuichi!" Your expression and action quickly changed into worry like Sayuri's. "Y-y-your Majesty! I apologize as well-" you were cutted off by him. "N-no it's okay," he then faced the floor before asking a question "Are you...perhaps going to the ballroom?" "Is he a mind reader or something?" Sayuri quickly answered as you were talking to yourself. "Yes, Your Majesty." He was hesistant at first, fidgeting his hair with his finger as all three of them just stood there akwardly at each other not knowing what to say, who could blame them? It is just (Y/N)'s arrival, she had just arrived. He continued to play with his hair on his face making him look down to his shoes.

The hall was silent, the birds chripping outside was the only thing that keeps it not-so quiet. "This way," Sayuri whispered, leading (Y/N) to the ballroom (that caught her off gaurd). They slowly walked passed the shy prince and stopped when they heard his voice.

"Can I be the one to lead, (Y/N)?"

His face looks more...determined than before. Finally, for a slipt second, his eyes were fixed onto (Y/N)'s lovely shade of (E/C) glassballs reflecting who she is. He quickly looked away, "I-I got nothing to do and well-I thought it be nice to-know our guest better than what they told me about-her," he managed stutter out his words "If you wish, Your Majesty." Sayuri then quickly let go of your arm and bowed to both of you and left. The silence, this time, wasn't there as he quickly walked up to you. "Y-your Majesty-" he then interrupted you "Shuichi is okay," you were surprised on what he said and just nodded.

"This way," he said almost in a whisper as you tailed him. The walk was silent yet calming but the fact that the prince, the prince of this kingdom allowed you to call him by his name is still unreal for you. He leaded to a room that is wide and has a lot of windows (A/N: the ballroom is not on the first floor) and a belcony, the only glass door is seperating it from the rest of the room. The theme of colors fitted well with the castle, the floor was smooth perfect for dancing, it was clean it too. You bend down seeing your reflection smiling back at you. Shuichi just looked at you with a small smile on his face, "You seem to be enjoying yourself."

You stood up and fixed your dress, "I've been into wealthy people's houses to peeform but I never experiance to perform to such a big, open and not to mention elegant room," you explained with a happy voice as you smiled with your eyes closed for a slipt second. He smiled at you and went to an area that is at the end of the room, you blushed at his smile. It was...cute to say at the least. You noticed he was in a stage, "Is this where I'll perform?" He nodded at you, at the stage there was a piano in the middle just like in your first performance.

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