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A/N: Valentine's Day special chapter <3
This wont affect the actual plot, with that in mind enjoy darlings! Oh yeah! Heads up, this chapter would be a lot longer and I mean longer than my usual chapters, so yeah goodluck!

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"I never celebrated this holiday like this before."

The palace was decorated with flowers that resembles love and affection, even the people working for the king are having their stomach filled with butterflies, over hearing the young maidens gossips and wishing for their fantasy to come true. People sending letters and flowers to their loved ones, you were no different nevertheless, you hopped your way back to the village as you just sent the letter to your family.

You don't plan on visiting them for you have a small errand to do in the open market in town, Sayuri asked if you can buy some flowers and some bread, wanting to feel useful (Y/N) gladly took that task as her own. As you were hoping your way back to town like a child someone called your name from behind. Your head slowly turned only to see a fair skin man walked up to you, strands from his cotton hair on his face "Going to the village?" He questioned walking beside you as you headed out.

"Yup, you can go to the village by foot so-"
"It'll make your feet hurt before you can reach the village," Nagito interrupted you "Is it okay of I accompany you there?" You nodded to his offer than he grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards the stable "Let's ride the horse, I don't want you to get tired." He said with concern in his voice, you simply nodded with a slight tint of red painted on your cheeks.

As the two of you approached the stable, Nagito prepared the horse that will help you to your desired destination then that's when you quickly realised something "Nagito," you lightly tapped his shoulder to get his attention. "I still...don't know how to ride a horse," his attention turned to you "Then would you want to ride with me?" He then step away from the horse, bended his back and his hand pointing towards the calm animal. His posture is like what servant do when a guest enters, it mad your face heat up.

"What am I talking about of course eyou wouldn't want-" "Sure!" You said with a smile, despite the butterflies in your stomach is swirling aroun you still accepted the offer as he only gave you a small chuckle. "Okay then. Place your foot here," he guided your way to go on top of the horse's back holding onto your waist so you won't fall. Luckily you didn't but deep inside you, you wished you did fell backwards being caught by his warm embrace making you feel safe. After you were settle he swiftly sat on the horse's back with astonishment in your voice and your eyes glistening you asked him, "How did you did that so quick?"

He only chuckled "I've been riding horses for so long, I got used," he answered as he leaned in to grab the lead rope to finally start riding the animal. You were at the front and he was behind you, as he leaned you also leaned to avoid contact, you are a blushing mess as it is and you dont want to be more red than a rose itself.

The ride was slow yet calming but quicker than going by foot, as you were leaving about to go to the gate you saw a glimpse sight of Natsumi at the distance. Once the two of you made eye contact she gave you a teasing grin, even without proper communication you know what she's thinking about which made you blushed even harder.

"She knows!" You squealed at yourself as you looked away and back to the mane of the horse.

The voices of people filled the open market, the sun was out making the sight beautiful. Nagito helped you get off the horse, holding onto your waist once more for support and suddenly the moment you waited for came through, as your foot landed stirrup you slipped and your body fell forward towards Nagito. "It happened! Like in romance books!" You squealed happily to yourself, you didn't completely fell onto him actually he reacted quickly to the fall and stopped it from being a full on fall where his back would be on the floor as you would rest on top of him.

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