3: Curious-er and Curious-er ♧

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One of them noticed them and yelp in joy "Would you like to join us?" A man with a top hat asked. He wore a suit that matched him and brown somewhat spiked hair, he removed his hat which revealed an ahoge ("Is it alive?" Just when (Y/N) was about to touch it, it wiggle a bit "It is." She concluded).

"I-I'm sorry but—" one shoved her to the nearest seat, she had ears of a hare which stood out with her blond hair. "Now sit and have tea party with us," she said (more in a way of a command) as she took sip from her own teacup. Hesitant she sat there unable to move, "Why are their only two of you?" Both of them gasp from what (Y/N) just said "Are you blind?!" The hare exclaimed as she hopped her way towards (Y/N).

"Clearly there are ten of us here!"
"Ten?! Are you bonkers?" (Y/N) replied in disbelief. "Yes. You, me and this hare over here name Natsumi," he said as he fidget with his hat. "But that's three..." he then gave you a smirk "How many chairs are there?" She looked at the long table decorated with different shapes, sizes and colours of tea sets and noticed that each chair is different too.

Some were small, questionable designs and...some...can you even call it a chair? Her eyes counted each one, slowly. 7 were left unseated while 3 were making it a total of ten, her face already spoke out her thoughts. "Only 3 are occupied—" "All ten of them are!" The hare interrupted as she hopped to each 7 chairs. "I don't think that's how it works–" before she could finish her sentence, someone brought a cookie up to her eye level.

"I am Hajime Hinata," he introduced himself "A hatter in these places." He added as he waved the cookie "A hatter huh? Makes sense with his strange hat. Doesn't explain the ahoge though," staring at him she noticed his small details which made her blush slightly. "Cookie?" She jolted back and averted her gaze to the one that Hajime referred to and accepted it.

"Some tea too!" The hare then poured tea onto (Y/N)'s tea cup, though the tea pot was empty in the first place. "Go on, drink it!" She excitedly said as (Y/N) followed not wanting to upset her. As she drank, she started to taste something delicious despite the cup being empty. "Amazing isn't?" Hajime then lean at (Y/N)'s chair seeing the girl's face sparkling with glee. "What's your name by the way?" He added.

"(L/N) (Y/N)," she answered as he proceeded to take out a cake from his hat and candles, completed with gifts, a piñata and confetti. (Y/N) was bewildered from this as he placed the cake in front of her, the cake wrote letter by letter on the spot 'Happy Birthday, (Y/N)! ♡'. She chuckled to herself.

"It's not my birthday," she informed as she looked at the hatter who is smiling with her "It is. Everyday is your birthday, celebrating you are here!" He exclaimed as the candles lit up with life. The hatter and the hare started to sing and dance in front of the girl which brought her great joy "Blow! Make a wish!" (Y/N) did so, blowing all candles down keeping her wish a secret she remembered the reason why she was here.

"I'm terribly sorry but I really must go," (Y/N) excused herself as she started to stand up "But you haven't eaten your cake yet, stay a bit longer please." The hatter grabbed her wrist, desperately. "I deeply apologise, but I really must be on my way," refusing his offer, her hand slithered away from his grasp and she walked deeper onto the forest.

She ended up in a maze, the maze were made of bushes, tall and nicely trimmed once. As she was turning around each end a calm voice called her "Lost my dear?" She saw a girl with blond hair who wore a red and black gown with hearts designed on it. "Yes, I am..." (Y/N) admitted, defeated. The lady chuckled and gestured her to follow.

She was now outside the maze and now is in a feild with a table in the middle of it. They were in a garden all a long. "What makes you to stumble upon my garden?" The lady asked "I honestly don't know. I was first in a forest then in a maze while walking," she honestly replied, scratching bee head.

"I am Kaede Akamatsu, Queen of Hearts." She then offered her hand "Would you like to play croquet with me?"

Sitting at one of the chairs, the queen asked (Y/N) to play a game with her which the girl agreed. Apparently, she isn't the only one playing with a the queen, an awful lots of people too (some were more of animals than humans). As she scanned around her surroundings a familiar man caught he attention.

She walked up to him and saw a very shiny necklace. "It's him!" It was the man she was chasing. She tapped his shoulder and saw his white fluffy hair and gorgeous eyes staring back at her pupils. "It's you! Wow what are the chances we've meet," he happily stated as he returned the necklace. "Sorry I thought it was mine, here you can have it." Shoving the necklace onto her palm, she thanked the mysterious man. "Name's Nagito Komaeda, your's?"

"It's (L/N) (Y/N)," she answered back only to see his smile shrink. Around him a sad aura evaporated "Well (Y/N)...it was nice meeting you but you need to wake up now." He said as he held her hands together "Come back soon," was his last words before covering her eyes with his hands as darkest lingered her vision.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Wake up!" The voice of her friend echoed as she slowly fluttered her eyes open. "It's nearly night, took you long enough to wake up."

(Y/N) paid no attention to her friend but saw she was back on top of the hill and the silhouette of the sinking sun upon view, painting the sky shades of oranges and yellows. Was it all a dream? But it felt so real. "(F/N)," she said looking at her hand before flashing a smirk to her friend "I made friends."

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A/N: I didn't add Shuichi and Kokichi I'm sorry it's nearly the next day when I wrote this and because I am extremely sleepy while writting. Kokichi was suppose to be the Cheshire Cat and Shuichi the little mouse inside the teapot along side the hatter and hare.

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