(26): Nagito ❦ Glow

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After the performance the crowd cheered, the queen even prasied her. The feeling of delight and relief washed over her, she's been worrying if the genre she took for the song wasn't pleasing to them but luckly they found it lovely. After all that, (Y/N) felt a bit exhausted and wanted some free air away from the amount of people inside the venue.

Walking outside the door and closing it behind her she took a stroll towards the fountain. The sound of water falling down similair to a waterfall always eases her mind, the moonlight beam downwards faintly illuminating everything it gets to touch. Taking a seat with a deep sigh by the bench she rested her shoulders as she just started to relax herself.

The sight of a cloudless sky, filled with stars was so mesmerizing to her she couldn't recall on how long she had been sitting there just staring off into the deep blue sea of stars above her. "You should be at the ball," a soothing voice said before that person taking a seat next to her; without looking she excatly knew who it was "Good evening Nagito."

"What are you doing outside?" He asked before looking where she was staring towards too. "Just here to relax. I needed some fresh air after the performance. Not going to lie, the amount of people in there soffucates me a little," she confessed her eyes not looking away. "The night today is pretty, right?" No response. This made her a bit concerned "Nagito?"

"(Y/N).." As soon as her name was called her head turned towards him with a wondering face yet still having a small smile. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to save you when you were being captured..." he apologized now fidgeting with his thumb as he hang his head low "I wasn't there. I should had been there...If only I was there I might had—"

"In the darkest night you can see the brightest stars,"(Y/N) cut him off "It's at the past, let it go. Either you were or weren't there I know you'll be there and I'm glad you came to rescue me with the others, you're like...my hope," she added. "But you shine brighter than I do, (Y/N). You are promoted to be one of the official musicians for the royal family," Nagito pointed out with a smirk "I am?" While (Y/N) was baffled, she was never informed about it.

"You don't know?" He just chuckled and gave her a hug "Congratulations then." Returning the hug she rested her head on his shoulders "Does that mean I won't be leaving anytime soon?" She asked a bit relieved "Yup." Hearing Nagito's answer made her more delighted "Hey Nagito, I have something to tell you," she began to speak again not letting go from the hug.

"I like—"
"You like me," Nagito continued not letting her finish.

"You know? Since when?" Now letting go of the hug he can see her blushing face as she asked that with a tint of confusion "Let's say a little birdie told me about it," he joked only to be earning a hit on the arm by her. "Okay, okay! I over heard the maids talking about it," he honestly replied only making (Y/N) bury her face to his chest to hide it.

"N-now you know..." slightly lifting her head "Do you...you know...like me back?" She asked once more with Nagito only giving her a kiss to her hand "Of course, I do. I thought it was obvious." "I'm glad," she happily giggled when he kissed her hand and because of his reply, it truly felt blissful for both of them. "You really do glow, (Y/N).." Nagito thought seeing her smile beneath the moonlight and being reflected by the water on the fountain.

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