2: Curious-er, Curious-er ♧

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Part two of the special chapter Curious-er, Curious-er ♧!

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Her head landed onto something soft.
Her body was devoured by the soft object that soften her landing.
Her eyes were just flashing before her eyes before getting saved by...
A huge pink pillow.

Catching her breaths, (Y/N) tried to comprehend what just happened before getting back onto her feet as she heard a voice, a jiggle and a familiar shine. "I have such bad luck!" The man exclaimed as they continued to run, the place where they are currently in was...bizarre.

Beige colored walls and floor with different shapes on it expect the shapes slowly move on their own, agape she slid down from the giant pillow. "Finally," a voice let out from behind her. (Y/N) turned to see the pillow stood up and walked away, ignoring her leaving her clueless.

That was not the only thing that didn't made sense. She was now wearing a white blouse with a blue ribbon around the collar, the sleeves were long and styled bishop-like. You also wore a matching navy blue high waisted skirt with a ribbons on each side of the hip.

 You also wore a matching navy blue high waisted skirt with a ribbons on each side of the hip

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(A/N: something like this minus the hat)

She would be lying if she says, she hates it. She also wore white stockings and black Mary Jane shoes, she never remembered wearing an outfit like this thus this made her jaw dropped. "I'm late!" The same voice shrieked again, her attention shifted towards him remembering the reason why she were here all over again.

"Excuse me! Please wait!" She begged as she chased after him from behind as he went under a door, sighing she held the door in before getting bitten by...the doorknob itself? "What the fu–" "You are not allowed in here!" The doorknob announced, pouting.

"What?! You can talk?!"
"Of course I do!"

(Y/N) was left shocked before returning back into her senses, she needed answers front hat strange male "But i need to get pass! You see—" "No is a no!" The doorknob interrupted before spitting "You stubborn girl."

"NO!" It yelled once more making her stumble.

"Can you at least tell me where I am?" She asked once more, a but desperate this time. "You went here without knowing? Ha!" It laughed maniacally, (Y/N) was getting a bit impatient and started to pull the knob of the door which served as it's nose, forcefully attempting her way in. "Hey! Hey! Lady! Ouch! Hey, lady!" It repeated shrieked at (Y/N). "How bout try the doggie door?" It said, revealing an awfully small doggie door.

"Eh?" (Y/N) knowledge down and saw the other side of the door, from the distance she saw the man she was searching for. "There! There he is!" She pointed, hoping back to her feet "But I don't fit," the doorknob giggled once more to her idiocy, according to his mind at least, at (Y/N)'s eyes it is the doorknob that is being filled with stupidity here.

"Look above you," it guided as (Y/N) trailed her eyes above her she saw a table with a bottle on top and a box of cookies. "How is it not falling?" Confusion spoke at her face as the doorknob spoke once more "Reach it." "Reach...that?" Pointing at the ceiling she was flabbergastered.

The doorknob simply chuckled as a response "Don't tell me you don't know how to get up there," (Y/N) shook her head as it spoke again "You are hopeless." Up, down, left, right? Which one is correct at this point. "You walk over there obviously," it replied sarcastically "You're nuts!" She shrieked in disbelief "Am I?" It snorted.

With her feet moving an inch, suddenly the room flipped upside down, keeping her skirt down the table is now within her reach. "What the—" "I told you to walk," the door was now on the ceiling, her head facing upwards she retorted "It wasn't even considered as walking," with her hands on her hips, she looked away and back to the glass table. A bottle with the label 'Drink Me' she looked at the back of the label.

It wrote; "Let you troubles fly away and be smaller than small." Not understanding what it meant she took a sip, desperate to go through the door. "Hmm..." in delight she smiled. The taste kept on shifting; apple cake, strawberry, orange juice, rose tea, blueberries, lollipops and to many more different food that she loved or never tried. Unconsciously, she grew smaller until she shrinked to a size that can fit through a dog's door.

With a tap of her foot, the room flipped once more with her will. She spun around in front of the door with glee "I'm small now! I can go through the door now right?" Walking up to the smaller door she tried to push it open but nothing, she pulled it...nothing. "Sorry little lady, took you long." The doorknob said closing its eyes making (Y/N) feel hopeless.

A pair of ladders from the blue then walked up to her and stood nearly below the doorknob. She claimed the ladder and saw that the doorknob was snoring, hesitantly and slowly crawling her way to the other side through its mouth.

On the other side it was as if she was inside someone house. There was a furnace, a couch in front of it, stairs to the upstairs and a door to the outside. Her hair hung as she was currently upside down and stuck inside the furnace, struggling her way out a loud yelp rang. A somewhat lady with a head of a goose ran up to her slapping her face with a broom yelling the same word, "Theif! Theif! Theif!"

Protecting her face, the broom also started to shriek "Out! Out! Out!" Her head hit the rough ground as her weight was too much she was free from being upside down but not the terror attack of, apparently, the owner of the house attacking her constantly. Shoving (Y/N)'s back with the broom, forcing (Y/N) to walk away (stumbling a bit) leading her to the outside of the house. Slamming the door behind (Y/N), she sighed and started to look around for the man.

The grass was pink, the trees were weirdly shaped and a path from the house to the forest beyond leads to who‐knows-where. The birds do not chirp but they squel, they also do have feathers but were candy wrappers. As she followed the trail she stumbled upon a pond, a bit thirsty she took a sip and noticed it tasted very sweet as if it was strawberry milkshake.

Brushing it off she heard a voice...a voice of someone singing. Thinking she could ask for help she followed the jolly tone. A new area unfolded upon her arrival as she saw a man in a top hat and a...hare? They were in a long table filled with teacups and delicious looking desserts. New faces...new problems to deal with.

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A/N: another cliffhanger of this special chapter cause I can

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