Chapter 8

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A/N: Warning: Smut 😉



I pressed the buzzer on the intercom by the front door of my apartment, wondering what had happened for Ezra to be here so late. It was nearly ten o'clock at night and I'd just been getting ready for an evening on the couch watching shitty late night TV.

His presence would be more than welcomed, since being near Ezra was better than lying in my empty apartment alone and bored out of my mind. However, I was worried something was wrong - he hadn't exactly sounded like a bursting ball of happiness.

By the time he made it up to my floor and his soft knock sounded out, I was already pulling the door open. Ezra stood tall, a sheepish smile on his gorgeous face as he dropped his hand. He wore a simple, grey sweat suit that made him look a thousand times sexier than it should've. His dark, curly hair was ruffled and his green eyes were bright and intense as usual.

"Hey," he finally said, his deep voice warming up my insides in all of the best ways. I'd spoken to him on the phone every day since our talk in the park last week, but hearing his deep rumble in person was an entirely different experience. I loved it so, so much more when he was close.

I wanted to jump in his big arms and have him hold me, kiss me, crush me against him and well... yeah... I shoved a lid on those dirty thoughts and placed my hands on my hips with a huff instead.

"Ezzy, ten o'clock is such an awkward time to visit me. Didn't I tell you I normally have dinner at eight when I'm home? And I usually go to bed at eleven when I have work in the morning? Hmm?" I raised an eyebrow and smiled cheekily up at him, letting him know I was only teasing. With my best mom voice, I asked, "What do you need from me, honey buns? I'm out of food - you missed bbq night  dammit!"

I grabbed his arm without waiting for him to answer and dragged him across my threshold so that we could speak inside without my big eared neighbours listening in. Petty Patty next door loved to make noise complaints whenever I had people over. Before I met Ezra, I used to moan extra loud for her listening pleasure. Bitch.

Ezra bent and took off his shoes before following me into the living room. "Don't worry, I've already eaten. Probably not as good as your bbq, but ramen packets suffice when I have no energy to cook." He sat down on my couch with a sigh, before rolling his head on his neck and smiling at me. "How was your week? I've missed you."

"Firstly," I sat ungracefully beside him with a thump, bouncing and crossing my legs, sitting sideways on the couch so that I faced him. I grabbed a pillow, squishing it over my lap and tapping it with my fingers. "Dude, ramen noodle packets are amazing. Though my mom makes it better from scratch, but not everyone is lucky enough to have a ramen noodle making mom, right?"

He just laughed, nodding in agreement.

"Secondly, my week has been, alright I guess. My parents and I talked and well, they're still going back to Korea, but I'm not as mad about it as I was when they first told me," I confided in him. I'd told him one night over the phone about my fight with my parents.

"I've been thinking about it and, if it's really what they want then I won't begrudge them for it. I mean, that would be pretty hypocritical on my part because I never did things they wanted and they never held it to me like a flame," I ran my fingers through my hair thoughtfully. "I'm going to miss them a lot, I mean Korea is on the other side of the world and we won't be able to meet as often as I'd really like."

I think that's what had been bothering me the most. Just knowing that I wouldn't be able to pop over to my parent's house for beer with my dad after work or cooking with mom each week when we were feeling particularly motivated. They were so close to me now and I took it for granted. Now, they were moving away and I was seriously going to miss them.

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