Chapter 1

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"Keep your fucking voice down. Where's Ollie?" I grunted, shouldering passed the agitated woman who stood with her hands on her hips, a disbelieving scowl on her face.

She was acting like my mother, as though my actual mother wasn't enough of a pain in the ass to be around in the first place.

My eyes scanned to room, catching sight of my little boy in front of the TV, surrounded by small, plastic toys. He wasn't playing with the cars and trucks at his bare feet, however. No, he sat with his stuffed bunny in his lap, his little fingers curled around the soft toy as he sucked on its ear.

"Ezra," Renee hissed, though lowered her voice like I'd asked. "You can't just disappear for the whole night and then come home in the clothes you wore yesterday, smelling like alcohol. I know what you did. You are my husband-"

I clenched my fists at that blasted word. Husband. Not by choice, no. If I had a choice in this, I'd be a single man, raising my son on my own. But I didn't have a choice and that was why I was chained here, fucking miserable. With this witch.

"I don't owe you anything," I snarled at her and her face tinted red, her blue eyes narrowed on me. The words were harsh, but I barely flinched at my tone.

Renee was stunning. There was no doubt about it. She was short, around five-foot-four. Her body was curvy, she had clear skin, thick, blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Her face was dainty, elegant. But on the inside, she was ugly, cunning and spiteful. I hadn't realised that until it was too late.

We met when I was in university. Our relationship had been rocky to say the least. Constant fights, breakups and make ups throughout the years we had dated.

But I genuinely believed that I loved her, that she loved me. I fell for her, hard. We continued dating years after college ended, bringing our delighted families together, and Renee moved into my home.

But it was only after I proposed when I turned thirty, that I found out the woman I loved was fucking evil. She played me, fucked me over so bad that it still hurt two years later.

However, when I went to walk away, call everything off, she sucked me right back in. She was pregnant with Ollie and from then on, there was no escape. She had me right where she wanted me. And I couldn't walk away, not from my baby.

"You owe me everything," Renee growled as I walked over to Ollie and crouched, running my fingers through his soft, blonde curls. He looked up, his big green eyes keeping me grounded, reminding me why I had to stay strong and endure this bullshit of a marriage I'd trapped myself in.

When I held out my hands, he was quick to scramble into them, allowing me to scoop him up and hug him close to my chest.

"No! Don't touch him! Not after you were probably out whoring and fucking! You unfaithful piece of-"

"FUCK OFF!" I roared at her so loud that she stumbled back, her eyes wide. Ollie cracked up crying, pressing his face against my neck as I shook.


I took deep breaths to calm down, patting his back and rocking his tiny body softly. I didn't mean to scare him and guilt stole through me. What the hell am I doing? Renee had me all types of fucked up.

"Look what you did," Renee quickly recovered, stomping forward. "You better watch the way you talk to me, because I'm telling you right now Ezra Carter, you cross me and I'll take everything away from you. Even your precious son." Then she ripped Ollie out of my arms, spun on her heels and stormed off.

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