Chapter 12

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{Monday Night}

[Kash P.O.V.] - I was laying in bed watching a game on tv while talking to Naomi on the phone. We were currently talking about taking a trip to Vegas.

{Phone Convo}

Me: (laughs) I want to go though.

Naomi: I do to. But I can't.

Me: And why not?

Naomi: Because.--I just can't.

Me: Nah nigga, there's a reason.

Naomi: Yea yea. (laughs) So how's Tra and Justin?

Me: Tra is good. Justin is-- (sighs) Justin

Naomi: Why you say it like that?

Me: --I don't know.

Naomi: Is there something going on?

Me: N-no.

Naomi: Kash?

Me: Just leave it alone Na.

Naomi: (sighs) Aight. But you know I'm here for you if you need me right?

Me: Yea.

Just then, Travon ran in and jumped on the bed.

Travon: Mommy! (bear hugs me)

Me: Tra! (giggles)

Travon: I missed you mommy.

Me: I missed you more. (Kisses his cheek) You had fun with your daddy?

Travon: No.

Me: What? How come?

Naomi: How come what?

Me: Oh my bad. Tra just got home.

Naomi: Oh. Tell my lil nephew I said hi.

Me: (puts phone on speaker) You tell him.

Naomi: Hi Travon!

Travon: (shy mode) Hi.

Naomi: How are you?

Travon: (looks at me; whispers) Who is dat?

Me: Naomi.

Travon: Oh. (grabs phone) Hey auntie!

Naomi: (giggles) Hey man. Have you been being good?

Travon: Yes.

Naomi: Good. Don't let me hear you been up to no good now. Ima come and getchu!!

Travon: (laughs) Nooo!

Naomi: (giggles) Well ight yall. I gotta get back to work sooo. Holla at yall later.

Me: Ok.

Naomi: Bye.

Me: Bye.

Naomi: Bye Tra. Be good!

Travon: Ok.

Naomi: Ok. Love you guys!

Me+Tra: We love you too.

Naomi: Aight. Byeeee. (hangs up)

{End of convo}

Me: (kisses Tra on his cheeks) My baby's home! (laughs)

Travon: Moooom! (laughs)

Me: Where ya daddy?

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