Chapter 1

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{Tuesday, 11:01am}

[Naomi P.O.V.] - I was asleep until I smelled food. I sat up, stretching and got out the bed. Went into the bathroom to washed my face, brushed my teeth and fix my hair. Then I went into the kitchen. There Twist stood, making breakfast. He didn't see me cause he had his back turned. But damn, he looked sexy. I just stood there, admiring him while he cooked. Did I mention he was shirtless? Lawd Yes! I went and pulled out the stool and sat down.

Me: Such a sexy chef. (bites lip)

Twist: Indeed I am. (looks at me; sexy smile) Goodmorning beautiful. (Pecks my lips)

Me: (smiles) Morning.

Twist: Sleep good?

Me: Yea. You?

Twist: Slept just fine. I was sleeping with you remember? (laughs)

He turned around and handed me a plate and then he sat next to me and we ate our breakfast together. It was bacon, eggs, and heart shaped waffles with whipped cream and strawberries.

Twist: So what you got planned for today?

Me: Nun much. Just gone have lunch with Nicole and Tiara.

Twist: Ok, I know Tiara. (thinks) Nicole. Nicole. Nicole. --Is she the short lightskinned one that threaten' me?

Me: (laughs) No. That was Rome but Nicole is the one you met here at the mall that day. The one with the clubs?

Twist: Oooohhh, ok. (Nods) I know who you talking about.

Me: Yea. And I'm sorry about that whole situation with Rome doe. My friends are just-- just-- (thinking of a word)

Twist: Over protective?

Me: That too, but I was thinkin' more like-- Crazy.

Twist: (laughs)

Me: (try's not to laugh) I'm serious! And you know you agree.

Twist: No.

Me: Yea you do.

Twist: Nahh, I don't. They ight with me.

Me: Mhmm.

I heard a phone rang.

Twist: (listens) I thank its my phone. You'll go answer it for me?

Me:Oh uh. Ok.

WoW. This was the first time he has asked me to do that. Like he used not let me see his phone period. But like whoa. Must of got rid of all them otha hoes.

I walked into the room, grabbing his phone from the night stand, and laid on the bed.

Me: Hello?

??: Hello? Who this?

Me: Naomi. Who is this?

??: Oh. It's me, Za.

Me: Oh hey. What's up?

Za: Nun much. How you?

Me: I'm good. And yourself?

Za: I'm ight. Working hard and shit.

Me: Yea. (Giggles)

Za: So uh, where twist at?

Me: Kitchen eating.

Za: Oh. Well tell him to meet me at the studio around 1.

Me: Please?

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