Chapter 13

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{Monday Night}

[Tiara P.O.V.] - I walked out of Makayla's room after putting her down for the night. I went downstairs to start on laundry. I was separating clothes when the house phone rang. I answered it but the other person just hung up. Wrong number I guess... But that's strange that that's been happening for about a week now. I just shrugged it off and went back to doing laundry. I was about to do Roc's load when something caught my eye. It was something in his pants pocket. I picked up the pants. There was a lime green thong and a folded up piece of paper that said 'Call me anytime you need some - Ariel' and it had her number attached to it. I ran into the kitchen and grabbed the house phone, looking through the call log. This been the bitch calling and hanging up! I felt tears roll down my cheek. 3 years of marrige AND a baby girl and he goes out and cheat?! I couldn't believe this. I knew something was up. I just knew it! I didn't know exactly what to do so I just went upstairs and packed Makayla a suitcase and brought it downstairs. After that, I went into my room and packed me some stuff. When I finished I put all our stuff in the car. I then came back in and got ready. I placed his pants, the note, and thong on the table along with a bottle of wine. I poured me a glass and sat there, waiting for Roc to arrive. After a while, he eventually showed up. Show time.


[Roc P.O.V.] - I walked into the house and something felt-- off. I walked into the kitchen to look for Tiara. She was in the dinnig room sitting on the table in the sexy ass dress drinking wine.

Me: (smirks) Hey baby. (Kisses my head)

Tiara: (fake smile) Hello Roc. (Stands up)

Me: (notices whats on the table; points to it) --Whats all this?

Tiara: You tell me Roc.

Me: My pants, a piece of paper and your thong.

Tiara: Nigga! (Slams glass down) You know damn well that ain't mine!! Just tell the fucking truth cause you already caught!

Me: (exhales) Tiara-- (gco)

Tiara: Why did you do it?

Me: ---

Tiara: HUH?!?!!

Me: (sighs) I don't know.

Tiara: You don't know. Tuh. (Shakes head) --When did this start?

Me: --When I was tour. Last month of the tour to be exact.

Tiara: You mean while I was pregnnt with Makayla?

Me: (looks down) --Yes.

Tiara: (steps closer to me; tears in her eyes; slaps me) Through out our marrige, you have lied and cheated like I just don't mean shit to you. (Tears drop) I could've been left you but no! I stayed with you because I love you and I just knew you would eventually change! But as of right now I'm starting to doubt myself. ---To doubt us.

She walked away and went upstairs. I sat there thinking about what I have done. I sat down placing my face in my hands. Fuck. Minutes later she came back down in different clothes and holding Makayla. I jumped up, rushing over to her.

Me: (runs over to her) W-what are you doing?

Tiara: (exhales) I'm leaving. Not for good. But just until I can get my mind together. In the mean while, I really advise you to get your shit together and come to realization that what you have is about to be gone. (Looks me in my eyes) I love you but-- this is just all fucked up.

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