Chapter 7

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{The Next Morning-Saturday}

[Kash P.O.V.] - The Next Morning, I woke up feeling all the way fucked up. I had a major headache and my stomach was flopping. I really couldn't remember shit from last night. Damnnnn!!! I looked over and Justin was knocked out. Without waking him, I slid out the bed and went straight to the bathroom. I took a shower and then did all my hygiene stuff. I put on my tank with my grey sweatpants and my J's. I decided to just leave my hair down today. I grabbed some juice from out the fridge and walked out on the balcony to get some freah air. I threw on some shades cause the light was murdering my ass frfr. I leaned on the rail and started to admire the beautiful day. I saw a girl skating down on the sidewalk and it reminded me of them good ol days. I guess I will call Na.


[Naomi P.O.V.] - I was knocked out! I doped up on pain meds and KO'd. I was in a deep sleep when my phone started ringing.

Twist: (pops head up; still half sleep) Na?

Me: Mmmmmm.....

Twist: (sits up) Naomi? (shakes my arm)

Me: (opens one eye) Hmm?

Twist: (rolls over; lays down) Phone.

Me: Ugh. (Sits up; answers) Hello?

??: Hewo!!

Me: (coughs) Hey Kash.

Kash: Oooo. You sound terible.

Me: I feel terible. Ow.

Kash: Awww. Does that mean we not linking today?

Me: I have no clue. Give me another hour or two and I'll let you know.

Kash: Oh ok. I'll call you back later then.

Me: K.

Kash: Ight. See you later then.

Me:Mk. Bye. (hangs up; close my eyes) --You going to the studio today?

Twist: Yepp.

Damn. He always busy. Like can I get some 'US' time? And the sad thing is, he's going on tour next month and THEN he got a mixtape to finish. UGH! All he ever do is be at the studio, perform for little parties and events and do interviews and go here and there and blah blah blah. I love music, but its really fucking with my relationship. I couldn't even go back to sleep. I just got out the bed and ran into the bathroom. UGH!!!


[Nicole P.O.V.] - I was laying on the coach staring up at the ceiling just thinking. I don't wanna get an abortion and I don't wanna put the baby up for adoption. I just really hope this is Que baby. I'm praying on it. Speaking of Que, I still have to tell him. Not about Twist but about me being pregnant. But he's out of town with his crew FYB. So I got the house to myself. I would hang with the girls, but Tiara is pissed at me and I don't even know if she's told anyone. Plus I can't even look Na in the face without breaking down. I really hate to hurt my best friend. We grew up together, hell she's like a sister. Ugh. Wish I could drank. I just don't know what to do....


[Rome P.O.V.] - I was watching tv while Prince went out for a jog. I really don't even act the same anymore every since I had Britany. I love her and Prince with ALL my heart, True shitt! But I'm tired of living a lie. I want to tell him the truth, but I just don't know how to tell him. Ugh. What am I gonna do?

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