Chapter 15

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{The Next Morning}

[Taz P.O.V.] - I'm laying in my bed on my iPad and phone looking at all the social networks like Twitter, Instagram, ETC. and I see that everyone has some type of drama. My sister Kash is talking about a divorce, Tiara and Roc are beefin with each other on Twitter about him cheating and Rome is just tweeting all sorts of random shit. It's to damn early for this shit man!! All this going on, not to mention the Nicole mess that's going on. I tell ya. I actually think I'm the only sane one in this group of girls. Well besides Paris. Naomi too. I heard her and Twist made up and are no longer having problems but it won't be long till Nicole starts some shit with them. I'm sure of it. I slammed my labtop closed along with slamming down my phone. I placed my hands over my face. All this drama is killing me. When there is drama, there is stress and when there's stress there is problems and when there's problem the black gets brought out of me and I really don't want that. Ugh. I need to get these niggas back to the way shit was. That's when Issa walked in.

Issa: Hello beautiful. (kisses me)

Me: (sighs) Hi.

Issa: Whats wrong?

Me: Everything! The people I care most about have all of this drama going on and I can't stand it. (crosses arms)

Issa: Awww. Want me to make it all better? (moves closer to me)

Me: Oh so you stop the drama?

Issa: Uhh-- (gco)

Me: Than no you can't make it better. (Lays back down)

Issa: (sighs) --Well what are you gonna do?

That's just it. What the hell am I going to do? I sighed and started watching tv. Tyler Perry Why did I get married too? was on. After a couple a minutes of watching, it dawned on me. A couples retreat!!

Me: (jumps up; gasp; smiles) That's it!! Aww thank you baby! (kisses him; jumps out the bed)

Issa: (puzzled look) Welcome?

I ran into my office to start planning this thing because this needs to happen asap. And I know just the person that could help me out too. Paris.

{Phone Convo}

Paris: Tazzy!!!

Me: PARISS!!! (laughs)

Paris: (giggles) Whats up?

Me: Nothing really. How are you?

Paris: Chy. I'm tired. (Laughs) Been working hard from the gym, to practicing, to the studio. Whew! I need a break.

Me: I'm actually glad you said that.

Paris: Why? Whatchu up too?

Me: Well I'm up to something sneaky and I need your help.

Paris: Ooooo. (Claps) Lay it on me.

Me: Ok so are you aware of all the shit that's been going on lately?

Paris: Hell yea. Shit crazyyyyy!

Me: Exactly. That's why I'm planning a couples retreat. I need you to get Nicole to come since she is still cool with you.

Paris: Ok. No prob.

Me: AND-- I need a place.

Paris: (laughs) Wellllll-- (thinks) Ooooo. Naomi has a uncle with a beach house in Cali. I can ask if we could use it.

Me: Great! Call me when you get confirmation on those two things.

Paris: Will do.

Me: Aww I'm glad I called you. (Laughs) This seems a lot easier now.

Paris: (giggles) This is going to be lit.

Me: Right!

Paris: So you gone call everybody or what?

Me: Uh well you call Naomi and Nicole and I got Rome, Kash and Tiara.

Paris: Gotcha. When are y'all going?

Me: We ALL are going soon as I get conformation from everyone.

Paris: Oh I gotta come too? (Chuckles)

Me: Uh yah!

Paris: I thought this was a couples retreat?

Me: It is.

Paris: Key word. Couples! (laughs)

Me: (rolls eyes; laughs) Girl we will be in Cali. Near the beach. You'll find a guy the minute you even step on the beach!

Paris: (thinking) ---

Me: Hello?

Paris: I'm thinking.

Me: Come on P. Pweaseeeee? It won't be the same unless your there.

Paris: --Ok ok. I'll come.

Me: Yayyyy !!!! (laughs)

Paris: (laughs) You so cray. But i'll call you back. Naomi calling me.

Me: Oh ok ok. Bye.

Paris: Byeeee!!! (hangs up)

{End of Phone Convo}

Yessss!! Plan Couples Retreat is in action. 😎 I walked back into my room and jumped up on Issa.

Issa: (wraps arms around my waist) Feel better now?

Me: (bites lips; nods head) I came up with the perfect plan.

Issa: And that is?

Me: You'll see.

Issa: O-- (gco)

I cut him off with a kiss. I'm so hype and excited so why not have a lil celebration sex. 😏😜


Issa above 👆😜 Taz and Issa are so PERF together aren't they? 😍 That plan thoooo 😏

Love. Peace. NoWar.

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