Chapter 16

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{The Next Morning (Tuesday)}

[Twist P O.V.] - I woke up and looked over at Naomi. I watched as she slept and man. She just so damn beautiful. I smiled and kissed on her neck. She moaned in her sleep and rolled over. So hovered over her giving her little pecks.

Me: Babyyy.

Naomi: Mmmm.

I kept kissing her until she woke up. She batted her eyes but when she seen me, a huge smile grew on her face.

Me: Good Morning Beautiful. (Kisses her again)

Naomi: Mmmmmm. (Stretching) Morning babe.

Me: Sleep good? (sexy smile)

Naomi: Slept like a baby. (giggles lightly) You? (Rubs my face)

Me: Shit you put me out. (Smirks) I You best believe I slept good! (Laughs)

Naomi: (laughs) You are to much.

Me: Is that so?

Naomi: Yes. Mentally-- (looks him up and down) and physically.

Me: Oh yea? (climbs on top of her)

Naomi: Yea.

Me: Yea? (pins her down)

I kissed her spot on her neck, making her moan and grip onto me.

Naomi: (moans) B-baeeee.

Me: (still kissing) Hmm?

Naomi: S-stop.

She moaned again but some how slipped out my grip and got out the bed. I rolled over on my side and looked at her with a smirk on my face.

Naomi: (whispers) Tiara is in the other room.

Me: (smacks teeth) Ok Na.

Naomi: I still love you.

Me: Mhm.

Naomi: No stoppp. (Grabs my face; pecks my lips) I love you.

Me: I love you too baby.

She smiled and gave me one last kiss before going into the bathroom. Damn she is such a tease but I love it. I got up and started straightening up. Then there was a knock on the door.

Me: (raises eyebrow) Who is it?

??: Tiara.

Me: Oh. You may enter.

She walked in holding her baby, Makayla. I walked over to her and grabbed Makayla out her arms.

Me: Hey lil mama. You up early aintchu?

Tiara: She was the first one to wake up. Surprise you didn't here her crying all last night.

Me: I was uh-- (looks at the bathroom door) distracted.

Tiara: (shakes head) Just nasty.

Me: Oh I know you ain't talkin. I don heard about how you and Roc get down.

Tiara: (gasp; laughs) Bro!

Me: (looks at Makayla) And that is why you here today. All cause ya mama and daddy are some freaks.

Tiara: (giggles) Don't say that in front of her!

Me: Its the truth tho. (laughs) Nahh I'm just playing K.

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