Chapter 5: Moving in. (cont.)

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Putting the rooms together went pretty quickly all things considered. I wasn't expecting to be done so early but I guess we really don't own much. Jirou and I start putting my clothes into the closet and Kiri keeps a safe distance putting some food Keigo bought me in the fridge.

I guess he's trying to let me put my under clothes up in private. Not like I care too much. Nothing in here is 'sexy'. Just a lot of boyshort underwear and some bras. No different than my swimming suits he'd saw earlier. I chalk this up to men are weird sometimes.

"That seems to be the last of it!" Jirou says with a small yawn and a stretch. "I think i'm going to head back to my room for the night. I have some homework I still need to do before class tomorrow."

I watch as she gets up and walks to the fridge. She sighs as she eye balls my tiny selection. "You know each floor has vending machines in the corner right? You just scan your school ID so you don't have to pay for it. You might wanna get some drinks and snacks in here."

"I'll have Kiri help me carry some back in here before he heads out. I have a couple more boxes to put up but you go ahead and go." I would rather put these last few things away with just Kirishima. I like Jirou but I'd rather not dance around playing twenty questions about both my brothers.

"Yeah Jirou, Aizawa will kill you if you don't get that self assessment done." She rolls her eyes.

"Isn't it their job to assess us and see what our weak points are? I'm just not sure why I have to outline my own weaknesses. Seems redundant. If I already know them and am working on them why write it down?" She shakes her head and goes to walk out. "Whatever though. Don't stay up too late Terra. Tomorrow will be the first real day of school you'll have. Oh and by the way clear your callendar this weekend. All the girls want to spend the weekend together to get to know you and welcome you in our way. Ashido loves parties so it should be killer. See you guys later!"

She turns and walks out letting the door close behind her before we could even say goodbye. Guess she wasn't going to accept a no. She sure rushed off too.

I get up and walk over to Kirishima. He looks so focused trying to build a small pyramid out if chocolates Hawks left behind. He doesn't realize my approach as I knock over his work and giggle.

"I was working on that you meanie." He sticks his tounge out at me like a child.

"Awe did I hurt your feelings?" I unwrap a chocolate and pop it into my mouth. "You wanted to know about Dabi. The last few boxes I have to unpack have things that may have tipped Jirou off." I say.

He looks at me and his expression changes. I regret bringing it up instantly. He seems like he almost forgot about it but I did promise him so I might as well get it over with. I grab his hand and pull him to a few boxes I had shoved under the bed.

"Here's everything from Keigo and Touya I have from over the years. Some of it's gifts other things are just memories." I open the box to see a photo of little me and Kaze with two teen age boys. "So you see Kiri, this was us back at the Hero Agency Orphanage." I hand the photo over. "That's my family."

"I dont know anything about my parents." I continue before he can ask questions or interrupt. It's best to just barrel through this as quickly as possible. "Touya found me in the woods around the center when I was four. Not long after I found Kaze and he was five. Keigo and Touya were very close back then too."

"Were they... Together? Like dad and dad?" His eyes aren't judge mental. He's actually curious. I let out a small laugh.

"No they weren't. They may have been at each other like an old married couple but to my knowledge they both never admitted any real feelings between them... Though personally I think they love each other more than just brothers." I shrug. "I watched them grow up. I even got to see Keigo's first kiss with his first real girlfriend." I can't help but think back to that moment and it makes me smile.

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