Chapter 16:

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This chapter has two song references.

Part one: Panic Room- Au/Ra

Second one: No Matter What-Papa Roach.

My music taste VARIES so you may like some of the music you may not but give them a listen.  😁

"Welcome to the panic room...." I hear a voice calling to me... disembodied and distorted but off puttingly familiar. She chuckles at the end of her sing song tune and it sends a chill down my spine.

What the fuck.....

"Welcome to the panic room.... where all your darkest fears are going to come for you...."

I've heard this before.... but where....

Another laugh twist my stomach but this one is chillingly male.

Where am I?

I try to look everywhere around me but it's pitch black. My eyes land on a single mirror and I close the distance quickly. This is the only thing in this hell scape and I can't let it leave me in here all alone.

Alone.... I'm... I'm alone...

I drop to my knees and grip the sides of the mirror.

I hate being alone...

Kirishima, Katsuki... Where are you?









Don't leave me alone in here....

It's so dark....

"You'll know I wasn't joking when you see them too..." There she is again.

Where are you? You have to be in here! So i'm not totally alone!


I bring my eyes up the mirror and feel my gut wrench as I go. I see my body is my own but her face... my face... is in agony. Bruises mark our pale skin now where meer seconds ago it was clear. She grips at her hair and screams but no sound is produced, none that I can hear anyway.

I stay still chilled by her gaze alone. She glares directly into my eyes with our eyes, but her's are crying. Blood slowly drips down her naked body pooling at her knees.

She's exhausted. This can happen when we over use our quirk, never this much blood though... and yet she's able to crack a smile. A disgustingly cryptic smile. Like one whose gone insane but it's still a smile in this place of darkness and emptiness. Somewhere we shouldn't feel anything but fear. She's much worse off then I am so how?

How are you okay in here?

I open my mouth to speak but am cut off.

"Welcome to the panic room."

This time I hear our voice as clear as if I had said it myself but my lips never moved, only hers.

Behind her I see Shigaraki manifest. I try to scream for her to run but now it's me whose rendered voiceless.

Please.. You have to run.. He wants to hurt us... Kill us..

I watch him wrap four fingers around her throat and my hand flies to mine. My voice may be failing me but i'm still able to move. Maybe I can help her...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2021 ⏰

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