Chapter 15: Unstopable force meets immovable object.

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I sleep most of the break away like I figured I would. Touya and Toga really don't do holidays so Christmas isn't a big thing for us like it is for everyone else. While I am awake though I make sure to spend as much time with Touya as I can. I miss him... When hes acting like himself that is. He always has this dead look anymore like he can't be bothered with the world. His mind seems to be in a different place lately. I'm starting to think even he doesn't remember who he is but I see him. My Touya. My brother. I see him peak through now and again.

It's Friday now... The nightmares haven't stopped or even let up a little. Even with Toga I haven't felt safe. This is where Shigaraki came for me after all and like an idiot I thought coming back here was a good idea.

Touya stays up all night, I know he does, but it's not enough anymore. Knowing true peace and not having it... I don't think i'll ever be able to sleep another way again.

I shake my head free of these thoughts. Kiri should be here soon and I need to be ready. I might be able to sleep better with him being close but I doubt this is going to be any form of the word easy. I don't know how Dabi is going to react and Toga... She's always a wild card. Touya and Kaze both have been acting off lately as it is and I can't imagine adding Kirishima to the mix is going to help things.

I feel my phone buzz and pull it out to see a call from Katsuki. He's been helping me nearly every night since I couldn't sleep. He even bought a new game just so he could tell me a different story. Give me a different thing to listen to. We've talked almost everyday so i'm glad I can give him a break once Kiri gets here.

"Hey Red. I was calling to let you know now that the holiday is over... I'd like to come by. I mean... if you don't care. I could bring the game-and we could play it together."

His words seem rushed like they are falling out faster than he's meaning them to.

"Oh, hey Katsuki. I'd love to play but my brother is super protective. I doubt he would be okay with any boys coming over." I hate lying to him but things may implode with Kirishima and with them not seeing eye to eye recently it's best to introduce them to Touya separately. "Once we get back to the dorms please promise you'll teach me?"

He's quiet for a while. So long that I check my phone to see if it got disconnected. "Yeah... I guess that makes sense." He sounds so disappointed. "Shitty hair said he was busy this weekend too.... You wouldn't know what he's up to would you?" He lets the question trail off.

"I haven't talked to him since we went on break." This isn't a lie. I haven't even gotten a text from him which is out of character.

"Somehow I doubt that." His remark is snarky like he doesn't believe me.

"I really haven't. I've only texted with Jirou and called you this week. Other than living with Kaze you two are the only school friends i've talked to."

He can be such an ass.

I know i'm lying but the one thing i'm not lying about is what he doesn't believe. Pretty ironic.

"Fine. I'll teach you back at the dorms." His tone is still hard but it seems a bit happier at least. "I gotta go. I guess I'll throw on my hero suit and go patrol my area until it's time for you to go to bed. This week with the old hag has my nerves shot."

"Oh," I can't have him call while Kirishima is here. "You can take a break from having to deal with me every night if you want to..."

"Huh?" He doesn't seem pleased. "Did you hit your head?"


"Did you piss off cat boy? He make a tornado and knock something off a shelf? You've been calling me every night to keep the nightmares away right? What's changed?" The next thing he says breaks my heart in two.. "Do you not need me anymore?"

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