Chapter 9: Kirishima's Birthday.

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The next week goes about how you'd expect. School is school. I feel myself getting weaker slightly and it wont be long now before I go into my hybrid hibernation. I sleep more than Kaze does in winter to conserve the energy I can. I'm only awake if I have to be. Typically i'd only wake up for school but it's different now, I don't want to have to miss out on everything for the next few months. On days its not too cold i'll be able to move and be up a bit longer but this winter is about to suck. I can feel it.

Me and Kaze had went into town on Tuesday for the first time. It was the warmest day of the week so we thought it best to go then and get presents for Kirishima's birthday. If I remember correct from what Katsuki had said when we had our sparring match it should be today. I don't wanna ask Kirishima though. I want it to be a surprise for him.

Nothing between me and him changed after that night. I'm glad I didn't push him away with what I did. I didn't think it through at all. I got so caught up with what the girls had said I forgot about reality for a moment. Feeling his rugid features under my hands.. Damn it. My brain isn't going to let me forget this.

It's saturday morning now and I've wrapped his gift and placed it away in my room. We planned a big party for him in the common area and Aizawa even helped everyone decorate last night.

Well everyone minus me, I wasn't allowed to help. They said I was 'the distraction' and I would have spent too much energy trying to put things up, so instead I was in charge of making sure he didn't leave his bed room all night.

"Morning beautiful." He nuzzled his nose on my cheek bringing me back from my thoughts. "I could get used to waking up next to you." This makes my face flush red.

When I look at him he flashes me his cute little smile he does.

Jeez whats gotten into him...

I feel his head with my hand and he blinks at me draging my hand away. "I'm not sick Terra." He lets out a laugh and rolls out of the bed.

"You might be." I crawl out after him. "You're starting to speak non sense." He laughs again and I eye him. "You seem happy today." I'm not going to let him know I know about his birthday unless he says something.

"Just a good day. I wake up next to the most beautiful girl i've ever seen, we have the whole day together with all our friends, what can I say?" He's really trying to earn some brownie points this morning. He does a stretch and his shirt lifts a bit showing his abs and the tops of his V line. I don't know why I try to peek. His hero suit has his torso on full display. It's not like i've never seen him like this before either but when he's so relaxed and carefree it's so much hotter.

I shake away these thoughts. "I need to go back to my room and brush my hair and teeth. I'll be back okay?" Maybe putting some space between us while I try and corral my brain into a non lewd way of thinking is best.

"No worries, I'm gonna shower real quick and get ready for the day too then. I'll come into your room when i'm done." He gives me a smile before I walk out and as the door shuts behind me I lean back against it.

Why do I feel this way?

I'm acting like I've never seen him without a shirt before. Like some middle schooler with her first crush. I smack my palm to my cheek and drag it down. I'm not sure what's come over me but I need to get it together. I push myself off his door and make my way to mine. As I reach for the handle I hear a lock pop and Katsuki walks out of his room.

He looks good, as always.

Brain... Please. He does look amazing though. Black is one hundred percent his color but then again I don't think any color he decides to wear isn't. He makes jeans and a black shirt look devious though... Yup. My brain hates me today.

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