Chapter 1: The Day

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"Kaze hurry up!" I try to contain my excitement but I fail miserably.

This is crazy.. We made it.. We're at UA.

I couldn't even sleep last night and i'm sure I look like fresh hell but who cares? U-fucking-A. Not only that but being put into Class 1A. We put on a real show saving one of the teachers and he wouldn't let us go home without a promise from the school that we would come and get hero liscences. Guess all those years training really did pay off.

"Terra, you're exhausting. Everyone is going to think you're a spaz." Kaze rolls his eyes at me. "I can't look that out of place my dear brother. Everyone here should be as excited as I am!" This school is where all the best heroes have come from after all!"

"Yeah... Except it's still a school Terra. All the kids here just wanna go home." He can never be optimistic can he? I shake my head. Kaze and I have been friends since we were practically babies and now we get to go through this experience together!

"I don't know why you're so excited anyway. You act like we don't have the number two hero on speed dial. All these people here aren't even on our level. You've been training with Hawks since you stopped wetting the bed"

Kaze's... kinda abrasive sometimes but he means well. We've been together since he came to the agency. I found him bathing in a creek while I was trying to out run the workers and they brought him back with us. Neither of us have parents that we know of so we made our own family.

The number two hero, Keigo Takami or better known as Hawks, quirk Fierce Wings, is my mentor and our older brother. Kaze doesn't really care about being apart of the family though. He only sees me as a little sister. I can tell he cares for our brothers though deep down... Oh yeah I should probably explain that part.... The sticky situation is that my other older brother is... well supposed to be dead... Touya Todoroki or well I guess people know him as Dabi now.

Obviously we know the truth but we swore to keep his secret. Dabi doesn't care for much except me and Toga anymore. He took care of us since the orphanage at the agency and he wants better for us so once he found out we had a chance at UA he made us take it. I didn't need any convincing but Kaze never really cared to be a hero.

"I mean look at all of this!" I stretch my arms out and do a little spin. "The tour was cool and all but there's PEOPLE now!" Kaze looks at me and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Yeah you're a spaz... They wont have to think it. Looking at you they'll know."

He huffs at me. Our personalities are pretty polarized as well. If it wasn't for growing up together he probably wouldn't even like me. "Lets go! Before we're late on our first day!" I grab onto his sleeve and tug him along with me.

When we approach the room labeled 1A we hear Aizawa breifing everyone on new students and how this isn't normal procedure but we proved ourselves by saving a teacher. I hear some people excited and someone asks if we're hot? I guess that's probably Mineta.

We know a lot about everyone from the sports festival but they know nothing of us. Doesn't seem too fair... No point in keeping them waiting any longer than we have to though. I share a small smile with Kaze, those are rare for him, as we push open the doors to our brand new life.

"Ah here they are-" Aizawa looks to us but freezes mid sentence. I take the opportunity to greet everyone. "Hello everyone! It's so nice to meet you all!" I bow and let my eyes sweep over the class.

I notice a lot of people are staring at Kaze.. It's to be expected.. It's not every day you see an attractive guy walk in, let alone one with grey eyes, cat ears, and a fuzzy tail... I remember Nezu saying Aizawa likes cats a lot. I guess he didn't expect to have one as a student.

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