Chapter 6: An unexpected meeting.

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The next few days go by pretty fast with school. I explain to Kaze the sleeping situation. He shot Kirishima a concerned glance before telling me it's ultimately my decision but he would prefer if I at least alternated nights between him, Kiri, and Jirou. I agree but Kiri didn't seem too thrilled.

By the time I get my head wrapped around my school schedule and get my body back on track to having to wake up every morning it's already the end of the day on friday.

I start to pack up my things and notice Kaze coming over to me. "Here kitty kitty." I call out earning a disappointed glare. Deku and Todoroki approach us as we're talking over todays lesson. I'm really trying to keep myself casual around Todoroki. He hasn't done anything to me and it's not fair to judge him soley based off Endeavor and Touya's past. Talking to him has made me see he has probably suffered the same type of trauma as Touya. This makes me hate Endeavour further. Todoroki seems rather sweet once you see past his exterior.

"Are you doing anything this weekend Kaze?" Deku asks his eyes beaming.

"Not that i'm aware of.. Terra has her girls night sleep over so i'll most likely catch up on sleep and studying."

"How about you come out with us tomorrow instead? A few of us guys are going into town and it's Mineta's birthday today so we plan on celebrating! Also... it's best we do it away from the girls party." Smart Deku as always.

"I'm not sure-" I elbow Kaze.

"He would really like that you guys! Thank you for inviting him. Text him the info later so he knows when to be up by and what to wear." I shoot them both a dismissing smile and pull Kaze away before he can fight me on this.

Keigo wants him to be free here. He needs to start acting like it. "What was that about?" I ask. "You're not doing anything tomorrow. It will be good for you to spend time with them."

"Yes but you wont have me or Kirishima here to protect you." Sir. Forget about that.

"I'm not something that needs protected at all times Kaze. Plus i'll have every girl in 1A there." I raise an eyebrow, "Or what do you think they aren't enough to protect me? Jirou would be so hurt to know you don't think she's strong enough."

"You know thats not what I meant-" I cut him off.

"Good. Then it's settled. Kiri is going out with Bakugo, Denki, and Sero tomorrow and you'll be hanging out with Deku, Todoroki, and whoever else they decide to bring along for Mineta's birthday celebration."

I know it may seem excessive but if I don't push Kaze he wont take advantage of all these opportunities to go out and live a little.

Later that night I tell Kiri and Kaze both I want to try staying in my own room for a while. It's ridiculous a seventeen year old can't stand to be in a room at night by herself and I make it until I actually try to sleep. Kiri shoots me texts every now and again checking on me and tells me his door is unlocked if I need him. I assume Kaze has already curled up in bed and fallen asleep.

It's way past curfew but I cant help thinking if I go out and clear my head, get some fresh air, I could be able to brave this on my own. It's not a school night so I doubt the school faculty are as strict about people being out and about anyway.

I walk out of my room and past Kiri's door pausing at it for a bit but I don't want him to come with me. It will just make him worry more once I try to go back and sleep. He needs to rest before he goes out tomorrow anyway. I press the button to call for the elevator.

Once on the bottom floor I walk out into the common area. I look up at the clock above the tv. It's a little after 12:30 at night so I should make this quick. Just because the school may be more lenient on the weekends I doubt 12:30 is acceptable either way.

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