Chapter 10: Kirishima's Birthday (cont.)

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I mentally slap myself. I look to Kaze who is eyeing me angerly. This is the second time i've let Touya's identity slip.

"I don't know who this Touya is but he can't be that good of a brother if he just up and left you two with Hawks." His words spark a fire in my heart and it's one I can't fight if I want to keep his secret but the way his name rolls off his tounge, already with such hatred for someone he doesn't even know.

"Don't say that name ever again Katsuki." His eyes dart to mine in a panic. "If you do I wont hesitate to come at you with my full strength, whatever it is at the time. You don't get to talk like you know him." I Know it sounds harsh but I have to make sure he doesnt say that name around Todoroki. If he hears that name everything about mine and Kaze's situation comes unraveled pretty much in an instant.

"Tch, whatever. All i'm trying to say is you shouldn't worry about what someone says. Especially when they left to go out for a pack of smokes and didn't come back." He shrugs his shoulders and there's the same non chilance that pisses me off every time.

His words stab through me. He doesn't know Touya. Doesn't know how he's suffering having to keep me away from him. How he's distanced himself from me for my own protection. Hell the man wont even hug his baby sister for fear of burning her. Keigo or Kaze either... "Get out Kaze." I say angrily.

"What the hell? I'm not the one insulting him." Kaze's tone is defensive which is understandable but right now I don't have the patients for it.

"Just leave." I keep my voice low. "I don't know what your issue with Katsuki is but if you can't believe Keigo said what he did then call him." I pull my feather necklace out and tap it a few times to alert Keigo of Kaze's incoming call. "Hes waiting." I say before I turn back to Katsuki.

With an angry sigh Kaze turns to leave. "Until I sort this out keep your hands off her. I trust Kirishima. I don't trust you. Not with the one person I care for."

Thats not true Kaze. Not anymore. You care for a lot of people here.

He shoves out of the bathroom leaving us alone and Katsuki brings his eyes back to mine after a few seconds of silence. He takes a sharp inhale of breath. I can imagine the sight before him, my green eyes are filled with rage, I feel it. He's unaware of what he's done but at this point I can't keep at least a small portion from spilling out.

"Never talk on any of my brothers again. You have issues with Kaze? Drop them. He's going to be told to do the same. If Keigo put you in this position then he obviously sees something we're all blind to. Maybe you tickle his bird senses or something, I dont know but never speak like you know any of them because you don't."

He wont look away from me now. "Something we're all blind to? Try again Red." He continues when I don't respond. "You're really angry with me?"

"I am." I say, deadpan.

He removes his hand from my nose and checks to make sure the bleeding has stopped before he throws the gauze away. "Listen I-" He looks away from me to the door. "Lets just go. He was right you don't belong in some nasty bathroom alone with someone like me."

He holds his hand out to help me get down off the sink but I ignore it and jump down losing my footing again on the slick tiles. He catches me with a huff. "Brat, I was trying to help you."

"What was that you said last week? I'm not weak yet." I say with attitude. I didn't want to be caught. I wanted to make a bad ass exit but things could never be that easy could they?

"Tch. Yeah you're not. That's for sure." He rolls his eyes and lets me stand on my own. I start for the door and he follows behind me in silence after that. After we exit I head for the kitchen area looking for Jirou.

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