Chapter 2: Give it all you got.

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After a while later we arrive at the training center. This campus really is massive.. Once inside Aizawa begins talking to us all. "Hawks, how do you think this should go? You know them a lot better than any of us do. Who would they be strong and weak against?"

I watch as Keigo ponders over the question "Hmm, I guess it probably be best to pit the whole class aginst them. They have the most practice as a team." He smiles a devilish smile. I wasn't expecting to fight already, especially along side Kaze but i'll take it in stride."

"All at once huh. Two against twenty? If you think it's fine then I guess we can do it." His voice has a tint of surprise but he just shrugs. "Everyone but Terra and Kaze stand over off to the right. Terra, Kaze, Hawks thinks it best to have you two fight together against everyone else."

"Yeah that makes sense." Me and Kaze begin walking to the other end of the building while the others just murmur in confusion.

"Wait, wait, wait a minuet.." Kaminari sounds a bit scared. I wonder why? No way he knows our quirks yet. "Last time we did something like this Mirio punched us all in the stomach and i'd rather not go through that again.."

Oh! I remember Mirio. He was apart of year three's big three last year. Him and his friends went on to become pro heroes. I always had a small crush on Tamaki Amajiki so i've kept up with their squad past their graduation.

"Yeah don't you think they could just show us their powers instead?" Mina tries to sound hopeful.

"We all know some of you wont accept them until you feel their power first hand." The class turns to stare at Bakugo who just looks away angrily. Aizawa put emphasizes on 'some of you' on purpose. "Get on your sides and stop wasting time." He barks out and the class sluggishly obliges.

Kaze looks at me with a gleam in his eye. "Aizawa whispered something to Hawks. Wanna know what he said?" I raise an eyebrow. "He asked if he should be ready to erase our quirks."

I watch as Keigo surveys us. Kaze standing ready cracking his knuckles, a sly smile accross his face, and me giddy with excitement in a lazy fighting stance. Aizawa should be up to date with our quirks so he should be aware that Kaze can hear him especially at this angle.

"Wait guys... Kaze is.. Smiling.." Sero is the first to notice. The class turns their attention to Kaze. He hasn't cracked this whole time. Emotionless as usual up until now. He loves a chance to put people in their place and what better than a group who thinks they are top shit.

"Don't go biting their heads off." Keigo yells down to us. "Kaze is serious and Terra.. Isnt..." Keigo is addressing Aizawa now. "They should be careful. That small ball of fire isn't to be underestimated. Your quirk won't be needed on her Erasure but keep your eyes on Kaze."

"Awe Hawks come on." Kaze has excitement in his voice now. "How about this? I'll take them all on alone to make it even for them." The class looks to be taken back by his words. Well... all but one. "How about I just take you down here and now and wipe that smug look off your face?" Bakugo is unfazed, naturally.

"Actually you'll be fighting me. Alone. Kaze you can have the rest." No way am I letting this chance pass me by. I've been a fan of Katsuki Bakugo since I saw him at the Sports Festival. Quirk, explosion. He moves fast and is very agile even mid air. I'll have to watch for this especially given the circumstamces. It was chilly and raining today.

"Awe Terra. That's no fun. He was a good amount of their power." He says this mostly to get everyone fired up about fighting against him. He would never want to give Bakugo the complement.

"Tch. You think you can best me little red? You're not gonna last three seconds with me." I laugh out at his statement.

"Three seconds huh? Few pump chump?" I watch as his eyes widen in realization. Most of the class is out of ear shot but Kirishima and Kaze seem to of heard and break their composure to laugh.

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