Chapter 14: Going Home.

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It's the morning of now and everyone is bussling about and excited to be heading home. Parents are coming to get their kids and all of 1A dwindles down one by one. A lot of us take a while to introduce the class to their parents. Some are more well known than others but of course everyone is knew for Kaze and I.

I get to meet Jirou's mom and dad who are so totally punk rock. It makes sense seeing as Jirou is a direct product of them. Tsu's family sluggishly comes to get her and she tries her best to stay awake to introduce us to her siblings but ultimately it was cut short as the whole family was becoming tired quickly. I guess the hibernation runs in her family.

Sato, Koda, Aoyama, and Shoji's families are next to do quick hello and goodbyes but they are nice people. Surprisingly Aoyama's family doesn't sparkle like he does.. I wonder where he gets it from..

Next is Midoriya's mom. She made each of us little cookie bags and handed them out to those of us left. She seemed very sweet in the breif time he let her stay. Once I realize the time it's down to just me, Kaze, Kirishima, Katsuki, and Todoroki left in the common area.

"Who do you think the next one chosen is gonna be guys?" Kirishima asks with a smile.

"Knowing the old bat she's always late but she'll be here soon." Katsuki says with a huff and rolls his eyes.

Me and Kaze have to play off that our brother is just running super late. It's too risky to have him anywhere near campus let alone have him stroll into our dorms to pick us up.

"I don't know maybe me and Kaze are next." I say sleepily. Kirishima knows the truth but it's best to still keep up apperences.

We hear the automatic doors slide open and cock our heads to the entrance. My mood instantly shifts as Endeavor walks through. I hate this man with a burning passion. No pun intended.

Todoroki tries to gather his things quickly. "I thought I told you to text me when you were almost here." He tries to walk out but Endeavor walks over to us and Todoroki reluctantly stops by the front door.

"Come now Shoto we don't have to rush. There aren't many of you left now anyway.." He looks over us all and his eyes stop on me. I assume it's probably because i'm nestled in between Kirishima and Bakugo each with an arm around me trying to keep as much warmth between them as they can. Not looking very plus ultra of us to those who don't understand the predicament. With the doors opening and closing frequently it's become quite cold between them. Even in a blanket it's really only Katsuki's heat keeping me awake at this point.

"Ah Terra!" He walks over to me and I slink down where I sit. "Hawks has told me quite a lot about you and Kaze. He's said that under my Shoto you're the one with the most potential in this class."

He eyes the boys no doubt planning to tell Keigo of this. Too bad for the blazing moron they are quite literally following Hawks directions.

"Yeah. I'm sure he made it clear i'm second only to your son." I say.

I mean my words to sound just as bitter as they come out. This man could be burning from his own flames and I wouldn't even use piss to put him out. Only fair since he's the reason it happens to Touya.

"A fiesty one!" He's become much more cheery with the fame being number one hero gives him. I look to Kaze who is shooting me a glare begging me to behave myself but it's not often you can knock someone like this down a few pegs.

"No, i'm not fiesty. I don't even have a rivalry with your son. I just don't like you." Both the boys holding onto me look shocked. Kirishima knows my feelings for Endeavor but I doubt he thought i'd be so forward with them.

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