Chapter 6.5: Kaze's day out.

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~This chapter is written from Kaze's point of view. All chapters like this will have a similar warning to avoid confusion~

-While Terra slept Kaze pried himself out of bed and got ready for the day out with the boys.-

"Stupid little sister." I get up and stretch out my achy muscles.

Since she decided I would be hanging out Deku and his group I don't have much of a choice in the matter. Getting up early to take a shower, brush my teeth, and put on some clothes has to be done. This is my first time hanging out with them and I should at least be ready on time. I decide on something casual, nothing too fancy. Not like I have many fancy clothes to begin with. My outfit consists of a long sleeve black shirt with a blue shirt over it, it has a white cat design on it that Terra loves, black pants, and shoes.

Once I get done I head down to the common area where Deku is sitting on the couch. I slowly approach him with a small tired smile.

"Morning Deku. Am I late? I thought I was early." I stood a bit away from him, placing my hands within my pockets.

"Good moring Kaze. No, you aren't late. I was excited to hang out with you and everyone else so came down here, though it's a bit earlier than I had expected too." With a shy smile he rubs the back of his neck with.

He's excited to hang out with me? I feel a small ping in my heart. Deku really wants me around him?  I sit beside him and let out a small sigh. My perspective on life makes things like this complicated... To think there are people outside of Terra that want me to be around them. Weird...

"Ah, I see." I sit up and glance at Deku from the corner of my eye. He's so nice and helpful. The making of a real hero that's for sure. I have no doubt in my mind he will be the next number one hero. After Keigo of course.

We start to talk about minor things hoping to pass time until Todoroki walks in and waves at us. Would Dabi be alright if he found out I was hanging out with his brother?

I pause for a moment and realize I don't really care if he does. From the few moments that I have talked to Todoroki, he's never given me any bad vibes. Still best to be on guard though. I wouldn't want another Terra fiasco, especially not with him.

"Good morning Midoriya. Morning Kaze." He does a small yawn.

He must still be sleepy. His voice is so soft. Even with my heightened sense of hearing, I could hardly hear him. "Morning Todoroki. Didn't get enough sleep last night?"

"Not necessarily," he says. "but I'm good to go for today. I'll get sleep some other time."

He yawns again and I feel myself relate to him on a spiritual level. I love to sleep when I can and being part cat, makes it easier for me to sleep whenever even if i'm not tired.

"I'm really glad you decided to come with us today, Kaze. Question though, Kaze is your pro hero name right? Doesn't that just mean wind?"

"Yep, but Kaze is my first name as well. Kaze Kuzunoha is my full name."

"Your last name sounds so cool. Ku-zu-no-ha. I like the sound of it." He writes my name down in his little note book as he enunciates each syllable. He's quite adorable really.

I roll my eyes and stand up to stretch the reaming sleepiness from my body before cracking my knuckles. "How about you call me Kuzu for short then? I would still like to be called Kaze by most people, but since you like my last name so much I don't mind you simply calling me Kuzu."

Deku eyes light up with that same excitement he had from our welcoming party. "Really!? I can call you Kuzu!?"

"Sure, why not?" I pet him on his head when I walk past him. He is really cute. He will make a girl extremely happy one day. "Come on let's get going."

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