Chapter 8: Revelations.

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The next morning all the girls take their time getting everything packed before we all head out back to our own rooms. When the elevator doors open on my floor i'm met with more of a tackle than a hug from Kirishima. He picks me up by my waist and spins me around. I realize now how much I missed him yesterday. He seems so happy this morning.

"You could have texted me you know! I haven't seen you since friday at school. Didn't you realize i'd miss you?" He puts me down and flashes me that grin. It makes me feel warm inside like my sun has peaked through the clouds of morning.

As I remember I didn't come up alone I turn to Mina and Uraraka who are both giving me smug looks. Kiri starts to walk off talking about his weekend out with the guys and I take advantage of the bit of space he made.

"Thats just how he is.." I whisper to them.

"Oh really? I didn't see us get any hugs or get spun around like a princess." Mina has that look in her eyes that signals danger. She raises her voice before she speaks again. "Hey Kirishima! I think Terra's still not feeling very well from the other night. Would you mind helping her to her room?"

He freezes. "She wasn't feeling well?" I shoot Mina a death look. "Why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling good Terra?" I hadn't told Kiri anything about that night because I didn't want him to worry.

"I just got a little cold. It's not that big of a deal." I try to reassure him but it seems to fail.

"Tch. She's fine shitty hair." Katsuki makes his way over to us and puts his hand on my head ruffling my hair. "Red's not weak yet. She punched me straight in the stomach because I pissed her off." He laughs and stuffs his hands in his pockets.

I can feel both Mina and Uraraka's gaze on me. Why did he have to do that? That's so out of character for him and they both seem to be hurting my case of not liking me on purpose.

"Hey guys and girls. If you're here that means Jirou's finally alone." Kaminari pops out from Katsuki's room and give us finger guns. Here's my chance to screw with him. I get what I assume looks to be a pretty evil smile on my face.

"Yes, your girlfriend is finally free of all us girls. She's probably worn out from the bra and panties pillow fights though. Give her some time to rest before going and bothering her, although she did use my boobs as pillows all last night so she may be well rested after all."

On que Mineta pops up salivating. "I knew it. I told you guys thats what they do at those kinds of sleep overs. Why did you have to drag me away from that. It could of been my perfect time to make a move."

Kiri gives him a swift chop to the back of the neck. "That's precisely why we celebrated your birthday off campus. So not manly."

Kaminari is red faced looking everywhere but at us. "She's not my girlfriend you know."

"Yeah you should probably get a move on that before I snatch her up and make her mine." I giggle at the boys faces. Even Katsuki had stopped and turned around at that. "What? You don't think girls talk about who they like and want to be with?"

"That sounds both hot as hell and like a threat Terra." Kaminari swollows hard at what I assume is his own dark imagination. "Not cool. We're supposed to be taking things slow." He admits it so freely. I guess all the boys knew about them already.

"See I don't have to abide by those rules." I laugh at him again and start to walk off. I'm glad I got the focus off me for a while. I lightly tap Kirishima's chest with my fist. "Are you coming with me? I assume you wanna talk about the weekend."

"Hell yeah!" He looks to Katsuki and Kaminari. "I'll catch up with you guys later. Denki go secure your girlfriend."

"You mean before yours takes mine away?"

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