Chapter 3: Kaze's Role.

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We spend the rest of the day training. It wasn't too stressful but I've been feeling myself getting weaker as the days go. Autumn is my favorite season, bugs return back to hell where they belong, chilly nights perfect for cuddles, but it signals that i'll be useless soon. Kiri seemed to be focusing more on showing me how much I "can kick his ass" than actually training himself but it works out since  I was more worried about trying to piece together how i'm going to tell Kaze that I spilled our biggest secret to a relitive stranger.

Just like that though it's time to head back and figure out our dorm situation. Part of the reason Hawks is here is to help us move in and get everything situated. After class I find Kaze among Momo, Deku, and Iida chatting. They seem to be warming up to him well... I'm glad.

"Hey guys! Sorry I kinda made a scene back there... It weighs pretty heavily on me that winters coming." I say. It's true enough I suppose.

"No worries! You have us to protect you until you regain your strength!" Momo is always so nice.

"Plus once winter is over we get to see your real power right?! Hawks said you can make forest in a weeks time!" And Deku is as quirk focused as always. I laugh at his enthusiasm.

"Definately!" They are so friendly. I'm not used to such a warm welcome. Typically it's me that is the over enthusiastic one. Being around Touya and the like kinda made me forget normal people are trusting and give love without expecting anything in return. "but hey guys, I kinda need Kaze. We have to go meet with Aizawa to figure out our rooming situation. That way Hawks can go back to his hero duties and leave us be." I continue.

I give a small chuckle. I'll miss Keigo.. I give him shit but he's always so warm and loving and seems to know exactly what I need to hear when I need it. It's going to be hard being here and him being so far away. No Keigo. No Touya. Hopefully I can be approved to go with Tokoyami and him be both our hero studies at least.

"I'll see you all back at the dorm." Kaze turns to walk away but Deku catches his arm.

"Would you like for us to help you move things in? I know you have Hawks but we would like to help you guys feel at home here with us too." This apparently takes Kaze a few seconds to process. He just stares at him blinking a few times.

"I- hmm.. I wouldn't want to intrude you all have been so kind thus far." Kaze is typically so sure of himself and his wording. He must of really not expected this level of hospitality.

"No intrusion. We would be more than happy to help!" Iida tries to reaffirm and flashes us a smile.

"Well thank you.." Two smiles in one day? This may be a new record for Kaze. I'm really happy for him.

"Don't you guys worry! You wont be having to move two people in today!" I hear a warm voice walking up to us. I hadn't noticed Kiri and Jirou but he rest his arm on top of my head. It's weirdly comforting. Keigo used to do that a lot when we were younger until he stopped growing and I started catching up. "I'll help Terra get her room in order." He continues.

"Yeah same here. I have an awesome playlist I wanna show you Terra. I think you'll really like it." These two. I basically forced them into a friendship with me putting them on the spot like I did and they are so open to me already.

"Yeah, that sounds great we can listen to it while we put things up." These guys are really making me feel welcomed here. "But right now me and Kaze REALLY have to go. Aizawa is across campus." I feel Kiri's arm slide off the top of my head and Kaze gives me a side eyed look.

"Lets not keep them waiting then Terra." He turns to leave but as I try to follow Kiri pulls me into a hug gaining looks from everyone around. Most of them shocked or surprised. I can feel his soft warm breath on my cheek as he whispers.

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