Chapter 7: Girls night.

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I wake up and scan my surroundings. I'm.. in my room? I think back to the night before and look to the counter where the cup sits. Bakugo had brought me here last night but I actually stayed asleep without him staying. Wait... He didn't stay right?

I get up to look around my room and the bathroom. I don't see any sign of him anywhere. "Bakugo?" I call out quietly but I'm met with silence. I guess I really did it. I slept in my room alone all night with no nightmares. I should be happy... So why do I feel so sad. Lonely even.

I walk back over to my bed and put the covers back in an orderly enough fashion. My phone is plugged into my charger as well. I guess he really thought about everything before he left. I open it to see a few missed text.

"Hey Terra! I wanted to come say goodbye this morning but you were sleeping so peacefully I didn't wanna wake you. You slept in your own room too! So proud of you! I'll see you later tonight or tomorrow and we can talk about how it went okay? Have fun tonight!"

I smile a small smile. I wish I could say I did it alone Kiri. I really do. If he's left already that means Bakugo has left as well. He must have left before Kiri came and checked on me too. I check the rest of my messages.

"I'm heading out on the day you forcefully planned for me while I could still be sleeping. Jerk."

He'll forgive me once he has good time. He needs this.

"Hey! You need to text me as soon as you wake up. I didn't tell Kaze anything yet but you're gonna explain why Bakugo was toting you around last night. Rest before tonight though. xoxo"

Oh. How am I gonna explain this.. I guess sticking to Bakugo's explaination is best. What time is it anyway....

Holy shit.

It's already almost three. We're meeting in Jirou's room for this sleep over in a few hours. I should probably go shower and eat something before I try and stay up all night. I write a quick text to Jirou about explaining things tonight and go to get things ready.

The day goes by quickly. After my shower I snack on some of the food I had around. I really hope they are having something good at this party cause I'm starving. Jirou had meationed Mina loves parties so i'm sure she has it covered. I check to make sure I have everything before I head out.

Stepping out of the room I see Bakugo and Kaminari walking towards me. I watch them walk for a few seconds before they realize i'm even there.

"Hey T! You headed to Kyo's room now?" Awe. I got a nickname from Kaminari. It makes me smile.

"Yeah Kami. This is the first time I get to see her room so i'm pretty excited." He smiles back at me. I just shortened his name like Kiri had asked me to do for him but it seems to of sufficed.

"Be ready for a lot of black and purple." His smile never fades as he talks about her.. "They are her favorite colors." Now that I know it's pretty easy to pick up on how he feels for her.

"Hey dunce face, head into my room already. I need to talk to Red before she heads out." He waves Kaminari towards his room dismissing him.

"Alright man. Just don't take too long, the food will be here soon and i'm starving." He walks off into the room leaving me with Bakugo. I'm surprised he didn't say anything about last night. Maybe they already talked about it? But then wouldn't Kiri have texted me again?

"So how are you feeling?" He looks me over and I snap out of my thoughts. "You look like you're feeling better."

"I am. Thanks to you." I smile up at him. He didn't have to do anything past putting me in my room last night. It feels... really nice knowing he cared for me while I was weakened.

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