Chapter 15.5: Break Point

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~This chapter is written from Kaze's point of view.~

"Hey Dabi, don't you think it's time we have a chat? Brother to brother and all that....."

I've been sitting alone in my room this entire trip home....


Is this even a fucking home?

Is this my home?

Do I belong here... Or am I just here for Terra?

I walk past the 'brother' i've come to loath and head out of what remains of the front door. I've been waiting for this moment for a while. Playing it over and over again in my mind. This is my life and after what Terra and Hawks said, i've really sat back a realized that Dabi never saw me as an equal. He's always cared for Terra more than me...

"What do you want Kaze? This better be important." His word hit me like cold venom.

I'm not even worth this time am I brother?

I look up to the night sky and take a steadying breath before turning to him. We had made it to the forested area near the apartment complex so civilians should be safe from whatever hell is coming.

Once I break out of my own head I narrow my eyes harshly at him. "I'm going to ask you one simple question Touya... Who am I to you exactly?"

"What type of stupid question is that?" He places his hands in his pockets and looks away from my gaze. "You're Kaze."

"No. That's not what I mean and you know it." He whips his head back to me and I can see the anger in his eyes. He has obviously seen this coming for a while or he wouldn't be reacting like this. "Am I truly your brother? Do you even see me as family?"

He growls at me and shifts his body into a more defensive stance. "Of course I see you as family. Why wouldn't I?"

"Do you? Then why doesn't it feel like it? Why do I feel like you only love 'your little one' and don't give a shit about me?" I ask forcing back my tears. I refuse going to cry in front of him. He isn't worth it. Not anymore.

"What are you going on about? " I watch as he turns into 'Dabi'. I can see it right before my eyes and it pisses me off. I'm not even worth him leaving his walls down...

He just stares at me with a blank gaze. "I don't only just love Terra. I love you as well."

Fucking liar. If that were true i'd still be talking to Touya right now.

"Bull shit! You don't love me!" I spit out. "What type of brother tells his younger brother that his life purpose is to protect his sister? Sacrifice everything for her benefit? And I listened to you because I trusted you. I did it blindly because I love you. Both of you!"

He chuckles under his breath and it sets me off. Before he knows it, I blasted him back with a gust of wind.

"Don't fucking laugh at me you bastard!"

Dabi glares at me and wipes at his clothes near absent mindedly. "I don't know what has gotten into you lately, but I'm not dealing with it. If you want to throw a hissy fit then run off to Hawks and only come around to play house like he does."

"He doesn't 'play house'. He's a fucking hero Dabi." I fire back using the same distasteful tone he used for Keigo's hero name.

"Pfft." That's all I get before he turns and begins to walk off.

"You better not leave me, you fucking asshole!" A few tears fall unchecked but he doesn't turn back around.

"Come back here and fucking listen to me if you've ever cared for me at all!"

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