Chapter 12: Trying Times.

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Over the course of the next few weeks I make attempts at getting Katsuki to talk to me but I fail miserably. Every training exercise where we could pick our partners I tried to make him and I work together. He would fight me but anything past giving me pointers on my fighting or pointing out where I could improve he would shut down.

I'm getting weaker and I can tell he's trying his hardest to pull his punches. Not easy for someone like him to do either. He's stopped using his quirk entirely against me. I wont be able to keep this up for much longer even with the handicap.

At my strongest someone like Katsuki would be a fun challenge. Even a fun loss but right now? I'm just holding him back from truely training himself. If he would only talk to me, let me explain things...

But what am I going to explain exactly though? I can't tell him, "Oh yeah by the way that time you got captured by villians? The guy with his hand around your neck? That was my big brother and how you talked about him really hurt my feelings."

I groan and Jirou looks up from her home work. I guess I had been lost in thought.

"Hey you doing okay? Once we finish this little bit of work you can take a nap if you need. Just try to make it through this.. Alright?" She gives me her little grin she does. I dont know how I got this lucky to have a girl friend like her.

"I'm doing alright. I swear." I try to give her a comforting smile but it looks like I miss the mark. I continue with a sigh. "Soon I wont be able to fight the hibernation off so doing as much as I can now kinda has to be done."

We hear a knock on Jirou's door and she gets up to find Kirishima with snacks and his blanket. I told Jirou about me and Kiri. It was something I couldn't avoid. She knows me so well and girls are supposed to talk like this together right?

"I just came to drop this stuff off before we head out for the night. I brought you this in case you were cold." He brushes my hair out of my face as he bends down and wraps the blanket around me.

"Hey babe! How goes it?" Kaminari comes in wrapping an arm around Jirou and kisses her cheek causing her to flash pink. It's been a little over three weeks since they started dating offically. He finally asked the night of Kirishima's birthday, turns out I wasn't the only one seeing some action that night.

It's the middle of november now. I'm not even sure how i'm awake past school anymore. It's exhausting but I don't want to miss a moment with these guys.

Tsu has already fallen into her hibernating state. Shoji has taken on the role of backpacking her around to and from school and to her room. Kirishima has been toting me around whenever I feel to weak to walk. He's honestly been amazing during this. I can tell he's sad though. Soon even the small amount we see each other will be all but taken away.

Luckily Aizawa and the rest of the teachers have been very understanding with us. I've been working overtime on getting assignments done and training myself to try and fight my own instincts.

"Can you idiots come on? We're going to be late for our patrols." Katsuki... It's been so long since i've heard him sound so relaxed. He opens the door wider to see us all. "Tch, lets go lover boy." He grabs Kaminari. "Make sure Terra has everything she needs then catch up shitty hair."

"But wait! I didn't get a goodbye kiss! How am I supposed to go through this whole patrol without my goodbye kiss!!" Kaminari's protest falls on deaf ears as I watch Bakugo drag him down the hall.

The boys got accepted to patrol the campus and city this month on days we don't have school. It's great extra credit for people like Kaminari who need all the help they can get on their grades and it looks good for the others on their up and coming hero reports that agencies look at.

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