Chapter 14

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Kalli's POV

~~~Kalli's Dream~~~

The wind rushed through my hair as I ran faster and faster from them. But they sped up and soon caught me. She grabbed me by the hair, Terra did, as she laughed hysterically. "Ha ha you aren't going anywhere now. Ever since I was in the hospital from the encounter between me and Rebekah I've had time to think." Marcus comes from behind me and trips me. My head hits hard on the grass ground. Oww that really hurt. He pulls out a knife and begins to cut on my left arm just below my elbow and I can feel the warm blood run down my arm. Oww this hurts worse. Their both laughing.

~~~end of dream~~~

I wake up in the tent again sweating and screaming. "Kallie are you ok?" Niall asks. He didnt shake me this time and I'm thankful for it. "What?" i say sleepily trying to get him not to ask what happened. "Whats wrong?" he asks. Ugh really. really? Niall really? "Nothing just a bad dream that's all. Go back to bed" I say even though I know I wont be able to go back to sleep even if it's 4:00am. "Kallie is it the same dream as last night? Because if it is...". "NO" i cut him off "It's fine babe really. Just go back to sleep." I begin to play with his hair as he slowly drifts off to a dream that I am sure  is better than mine.

I decide to have a walk outside and since its summer the sun has already begun peaking out over the horizon. I wanted to walk alone but Rebekah decides to get up. "Hey Kallie where you headed?" she asks hopping up to my side and strolling next to me. "What are you guys up now for?" Sophy asks sticking her head through the zipper on the tent. "I dont know ask Kallie." "Look I just wanna go walking if you two want to go back to bed suit yourself. Do yourself the fancy. I dont care just make up your mind" I state plainly hoping for them to go back. But of course NO.

"Well why would we wanna do that? Now you are our best friend. Your like the.... Wizard in our world of I-I dont know... cheese? Anyway so we are not leaving until we get through with..... Umm what are we doing?" Sophy asks. "Idiot" I say very, very adult like. "Now Kallie I know I am one but dont call me that. How could you not know that, that word is mean? Ugh Kal your such an Idiot." I just stand there with one big blank expression on my face. and I slap her in the back of the head. "Like I said I'm walkin' go back if you want." "Umm I dont think I'm going back to bed at all because Harry snores like a freakin' chainsaw" Rebekah says keeping up a quiet pace to the right of me. "And I am just wierd. Naw I'm just kidding Louis had his stanky feet in my face so I pushed them off bout the time I heard Rebekah say 'Hey Kallie where you headed?'".

"Wait what was that?" I say facing the woods. "Hold on a sec" Sophy whispers then she runs back to her jeep kicking dust up behind her. I turn my attention back to the woods as Sophy comes running back with her bow in hand. "Really a bow?" I ask as she pulls an arrow out of the sheath and positions it on the string. "It could be a murderer or worse Marcus and Terra. Or even worse a telli-tubby" Sophy says matter-of-factly.

Did I mention Sophy hates Telli-Tubbies. She is more like terrified of them. One year, on halloween a kid came to her house dressed as a blue one and she slammed the door shut, ran up to her room, and rocked herself to sleep hugging a pillow.

'MMM' a noise came from a dark lump on the ground about 10 yards from us. We creep our way over to it when another lump comes into our sight. "I'll this one you two get the other one" Sophy whispers walking in tiptoe mode over to the second object. "Yo I think its a body" she says back pushing it with he foot. We carry them into the sunlight to see that it's Rebekahs older sister Caryn and her friend Andrea. "Hey there's a couple of beer bottles over here" Rebekah says walking out of the woods. When she notices her sister she busts out laughing.

We carry, no more like drag them over to the picnic table and lay them on it. "Should we toss them in the river?" Sophy asks with her hands on her hips. "Sure why not?" I say helping her and Rebekah get them to the cool water. Yes since its now five in the morning the water is cool, summer or not.

With one heave and one ho we managed to sling them into the river. "HEY A SIMPLE 'WAKE YOUR ASS UP' WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE" Andrea screamed wiping the water off of her face. Her and Rebekah dont exactly get along. "What is going on" I turn around to see a naked Harry getting out of his tent. "HARRY" Rebekah yelled pushing him back into their tent managing to cover his 'manhood' in the process. "Umm who was that? More importantly why am I in the river?" Caryn asks dragging herself out. Bout that time Harry and Rebekah walk out and Harry is fully clothed.  

"Again who was that? And why was my sister all over his...." "Caryn" Rebekah cuts her off "This is Harry. He's in a band." "Ok now answer my other question. Why were you all over his...." "Boyfriend. He's my boyfriend Caryn. And your lucky I found you and not some freak. Well I dont know Sophy was there?" Rebekah says as Louis, Niall, Zayn, and Liam get up. "Hey guys this is Rebekahs sister Caryn and .... " Andrea cuts me off saying "And I'm Andrea." Obviously firting with one of them. I notice her eyeing Louis and I think 'Oh to the Hell No' Sophy is going to flip. I geuss Louis notices her horrible gaze cuz he walks over to sophy.

"Hey babe how has your morning been?" and he kisses her on the forehead.


So what did you think? Well here is what has been happening in my life lately.............

Once upon a time in a far away.... No not really so I have been a bit bust lately seeing as how my birthday is in two months and we have to get our spot at the river fixed up nice so we can stay there every other weekend. But you dont wanna here about that because you wanna know when I'll update again. Am I right? Well I dont really know but I'll tell you anyways. So I am planning on updating by Saturday January 5th I think its the 5th. Well if not then before that because I update with the pace I had at the beginning of the story. Which was kinda fast I geuss. You get it? Do you know what I mean? Are you understanding the words that are on your computer screen?




Send me a pair of socks?

Quote of the day:

Those days when you can do the Chicken Dance and noone would laugh at you......

By the way I came up with that in Algebra Thursday January 2nd. Yep awesome right? or should I say epic?


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