Chapter 12

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OK so this story is a great break through for me and it wouldn't have even happened if I wouldn't have sat where I did the first day in 3rd class. Can you beleive that? Well Kalli and Rebekah are 2 of my best friends and know that I am a normal person so if you want to talk to me about anything I am here for you even if I don't know you. I know I told you I would give you 3 facts about me at the end of each chapter well I kinda forgot the last few chapters so I won't do it anymore. Plus, this is a FICTIONAL story. But I am supposed to be Sophy and my friends Rebekah and Kalli are of course Rebekah and Kallie. But no this is not any of our lives. People who knew I was basing Sophy on me told me these exact words "I am so sorry for what happens" and "Can I meet the boys." I mean seriously!

If any of you awesome people have any ideas what-so-ever please let me know IDC if you have to get your pet  dragon to send them to me or have superman do it. Please give them to me if you have any. Louis if you read this know that I love you with all my heart and that I truly am krazi. Not like mentally challenged because I am very smart in school I just have no common sense. I am like you, The goofy one out of the group. Well lets read this next chapter.


The chapter you are about to read is filled with emotion, pain, and love. You can always trust that I will make your day better by what I write even if it is sad or really mushy romantic stuff. Unless you know you don't like my writing. Then I really don't care. Well enjoy!! :) (Little Things-One Direction is in Multimedia)


Sophy's POV (The next afternoon)

My dads back. This going to be horrible. Only Rebekah and Kalli knows what happens at home. I decide to call Rebekah:

Rebekah (R) & Sophy (S)

S: Hey

R:Hey is anything going on?

S: No I am so bored right now and tired dad made me clean the whole house this morning and of course he got drunk

Rebekah's POV

S: No I am so bored right now and tired dad made me clean the whole house this morning and of course he got drunk

R: Oh well hey whats that?

I hear something loud through the phone

"Why can't you do anything right you worthless peice of s***" Robert says. "But I..." Sophy tries to say but she gets cut off by "But nothing I knew I should have thrown you out when your mother was alive. But then who would do the work?" I look out my window which lets me see Sophy's room because we are neighbors and I see something horrifying. Shadows of Sophy getting.......

My door opens andd Louis asks "What's that noise?" I geuss he hears the phone and see the shadows because he gasps and runs out the door. Within seconds I see him run into the room and all I hear is screams and things being broken and something big hitting the floor.

Sophy's POV

I am huddled in the corner as my dad falls to the ground, Not dead but unconscious. Louis? He picks me up and all I remember is him saying "It's ok I'm here for you" before my vision goes black.

Louis' POV

"Oh My Gosh what happened?" Kallie screamed as I walked in the door carrying a blacked out Sophy in my arms. "H-Her dad." "Oh" she says helping me lay her on the couch. Her arms and legs are covered in bruises and there is a big bruise on her head. "Look Lou I know you really like her but she's gonna  be ok" Kallie reassures me. I nod my head as if to say 'I know'. She smiles and then Zayn walks over "Are you ok mate?" he asks. "Yeah but how could her own dad do that to her?" Wait. Didn't Kallie say 'Oh' when I said about her dad. Could she have possibly known what had happened or knew that her dad has been doing this to her. I get up and go straight to her "Kallie can I see you in Rebekah's room? Like now?" She nods and we walk up to Rebekah's bedroom.

"Hey You two is Kallie....." "yeah Lou wanted to talk up here with you and me" Kallie says as we all sit on Bekah's bed. "So has her dad done this before? You know hurt her?" I ask and their eyes went wide. Then Rebekah sighs and spills "Yes and we are the only ones who know but then Robert got practically 'half-way' arrested because of that and......" she stops hoping Kallie would finish which she does. "So she has been free for about 3 weeks and now she's free again considering that" Kallie says as she points out the window towards the sight of 4 cops dragging Robert into a cop car."

"So this isn't the first time it has happened correct?" "Yeah" they both say at the same time. "We have known Sophy for the past what eleven years?" kallie says "but before she lived in Doncaster I think. Wait isn't that where your from?" I nod and walk back down stairs. Niall, Harry, Liam, and Zayn are going to go get groceries since the girls are staying with Sophy and I don't want to go. When I walk by an unconscious Sophy lying on the couch i hear her mumble the word 'Willy'. What? Willy. why does that sound familiar.


She threw her arms around me and said "Don't forget about me Willy." "I won't J-Bird" I say to her returning the hug. "Promise" she sticks her pinky. "I Promise. I'll miss you." "Bye Willy" she screamed as she was rushed into the plane.

End of Flashback

That's why Willy was so familiar. We were friends back in Doncaster and I broke my promise. I called her J-Bird, J, or JJ because her middle name is Justice. She called me Willy because my middle name is William. How could I forget her. "Lou" I turn towards her and she is just looking at me. "Hey how you feeling J-Bir uh I mean Sophy." She quirks her head and then her eyes go wide "Willy?"

"H-How long has it been J?" "Uh what? Eleven years?" she asks as she hugs me. I return the hug and then say "yeah when you moved." She starts to cry and lets go. "Don't cry J. I-I love you." She sniffles once and looks me straight in the eyes and says "You do?" "Yes and now that I know your Sophy as in J-Bird Sophy I love you even more. W-Will you be my girlfr...." she cuts me off with a kiss. It's just like they said it would be. The fireworks, the heat, the church bells, birds chirping. Only this wasn't make beleive. This was real.

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