Chapter 7

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Kallie's POV

Well I just can't beleive it 'AAAAAAAAAHHHHH' I'm dating Niall Freaking Horan. About 5 seconds later Rebekah runs in the room. "Are you ok?" "Yeah." I know I have a smile from ear to ear an she looks at me like I have 2 heads. "Is something going on?" She says sitting on the side of my bed. "No" I lie but I can't lie too good. "Oh really I wander if anyone will laugh at a 10 year old girll with strawberry pie all over her face." "I thought mama burned it." "No she gave it to me I mean she knew I'd need it for something one day. I geuss that day would be today." "No ok I'll tell you. Niall asked me out." "OMG OMG OMG no way what did you say?" "Yes duh I mean how stupid would I be if I said No. When he kissed me ............ it was nothing like Marcus. It was better."

"Hey y'all hows it going" My other best friend  walks in my room. "Nothing" me and rebekah both say nervously. "Alright spill it you both know good n well that neither one of you can lie good." I always give in because she can read both of us like an open book. I just blurt out "Niall Horan is staying at my house for a whole month and Marcus kissed another girl so were over and Niall asked me out and we kissed and it felt so amazing and wow I need to breath." She just laughed and said "Did you say ..." "yes The Niall Horan." She starts to freak out and then she just starts speaking french FAST but I don't speak fluent french but I can speak it a little. I can make out "oh my gosh she is so gonna be mauled by Niall fans she is in for it I tell ya." What? I forgot about the fans. Oh No this is BAD. wait I'm not freaking out about this I love Niall. "Sophie." "What?" " Chill ok I love Niall and I am not gonna let some crazed fans ruin it for me." "Whew good man I was about to freak out." She looks at me and i look at her and she says "More than I just did." If she gets worse than french She'll speak Spanish.

"Oh yeah I got a One Direction ticket and a backstage pass." "Really 'cause we did to" I say. "Cool now we can go together. Oh and have you seen the date for the concert yet." Rebekah says "Yeah it's this Saturday why." She just looks at me and then Rebekah "Yeah this Saturday is ....." She motions for me to finish the sentence so I say "The day after Friday". "No silly it's your birthday." OMG I forgot about my birthday. "Oh that's right."

Then and right then Niall walks through the front door saying "HONEY I'M HOME." I giggle a bit as he walks in my room and stops when he  sees so many people. He says "Hey Kallie" through his crooked teeth changing pitches between Ka and llie. He walks over and kisses me on the cheek "I love you". "I love you too" I say as the girls giggle and laugh a bit harder than they should. "So you gonna let Niall know about Saturday" Rebekah says nugging my arm with her elbow and winking. "Oh yeah Niall saturday is my birthday."

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