Chapter 18: Finding Sophy

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I'm sorry I deleted r_calli's comment but she kinda gave it away and I wanted it to be a surprise so yeah Bekah pwease don't be mad at me. Just remember your sister's boyfriend's nickname.. K? That should cheer you up. Oh so here's the chapter I lost sleep to please you people with. LOL JK.


 Kallie's POV

        Louis is freaking out the wazoo and who could blame him. His frikkin girlfriend got kidnapped four night ago. Bekah is out trying to find Margen, which is Sophy's cousin. "Kallie I think there is something wrong with Lou" Niall says waking over to me. "Ya think so huh? His girlfriend got kid frikkin napped last by a guy who tr... Nevermind" I cut myself off before got to the end of that sentence. "By a guy a guy who tr.. what?" Niall says raising an eyebrow. "uh well a few years ago Jake tried to well rape Sophy. But he didn't thank goshness." Right then Rebekah busts through the door "I FOUND MARGEN!"

"Where is she?" I ask getting up to walk towards her. She points outside to her jeep and I look to find Margen knocked out in the back seat. "Bek what did you do?" "Well I had to get her here somehow and she woudn't come with me. So I used resources...... Like a corchet mallet" She mumbles the last part and rocks on her heels. "WHAT? YOU DON"T JUST HIT PEOPLE BEKAH! YOU COULD HAVE REASONED WITH HER" I yell. 'WELL SO-RRY FOR TRYING TO SAVE TIME TO HELP OUR BEST FRIEND" She retorts and I try to wake Margen up.

She finally wakes up and we explain to her about how she needs to use her brains to find Sophy and save her.

Louis' POV

I wish we would hurry up and find her already. I can't stand being away from her. "Okay I'll see what what I can do" Margen says as she reaches into her bag and pulls out her laptop and headset. "I'll try to link a chat with Christie. Maybe she'll have a grappling hook that we can use." What why do we need a grappling hook? "Have you found out where he has her?" I asked impatiently. "Of course, it wasn't hard all I had to do was track her phone."

"Can we go now?" I said trying to get them to leave. "Patience young one" .Wow she's almost as crazy as Sophy. "Hi Christie erm we have slight situation" Margen said to the face of a younger girl with dark brown hair and brown eyes. "Slight? You think this is a slight situation? Wow I'd hate to see what you would think is a major situation" I half screamed but I tried cooling off. "Okay so Jake kidnapped Sophy. I know where he has her but we need to get her out of there. Fast. Do you by any chance have a grappling hook?" Margen has restarted her conversation with Christie and replys with "Yep I sure do and if you're takin' down Jake..... count me in."

~~~1 Hour Later~~~

"Okay so we all know what we have to do?" Margen asks as well all pile into to jeeps. A loud yes waved over us and we drove to where the location is. 548 Hummingbird Lane. We hop out of the jeep. We had to park about a block away so Jake woudn't see us. This is it. I'm getting my girlfriend back no matter what.

Sophy's POV

Why does this have to happen to me? I'm a good person. Most of the time. "Finally decided to wake up I see" Jake says walking through the door. "Well I slept as much as I could although it's not very comfortable here" I retort with a scowl. I feel dirty. I haven't showered in five days. Wait would he let me take a shower? "Hey would you let me take a shower? I really need one" I ask. "You'd try to escape, wouldn't you?" No I swear I seriously need one. You can smell my feet if ya like?" I offer my bare foot to him but he backs away and says "Fine you can take a shower. Don't try anything though."

He leads me to the shower and hands me a white fluffy towel. I walk into the bathroom and lock the door behind me. I strip out of my clothes and step into the now hot water. Letting it run down my body I grab some shampoo and lather, rinse, and repeat. I do the same with Conditioner. When I reach for the soap I yanked my hand back. It's bar soap and no way in hadies closet am I touching THAT. I take the conditioner and shampoo and mix them together, creating my own concoction. I wash my body and then rinse again. When I hop out of the shower, I hear something on the roof. Shrugging, I dry myself off and hear a noise that sounds like Jake yelling.

I hope he's in trouble. I ease the door open with the towel wrapped around my body. "What the hell are you doing here?" Jake yelled. "Oh my gosh Sophy are you ok?" Louis asked rushing towards me. He envelopes me in a hug and I stand there with my arms around his neck until I realize something. "Erm.. Lou?" I say medium volume. "Yeah?" "I'm kinda naked." He backs away and looks at the towel surrounding my bare body. "I think I like this view of you" he says waggling his eyebrows  and smiling at me.

I smirk and walk back into the bathroom to get my clothes on. When I walk out Louis crashes his lips down on mine. "You don't know how long I've wanted to do that" he whispers into my ear then nestles his head into the crook of my neck. "Me too" I whisper and kiss his jawline softly. I haven't seen him in almost a week but it felt like ages. "I'm never letting you go again" he whispers again "I love you Sophia ." "Not as much as I love you" we finally realize that neither of us wanted to let go so he ended up carrying me out of the house and into Kallie's jeep. I know it's hers because it has the Tar heels sticker I gave her on it.

"Um did Jake put a gue trap on you two?" Kallie asks.

Louis' POV

"I'm never letting you go" I whisper into her ear "I love you Sophia."  "Not as much as I love you." We realize not one of us will want to let go so I end up carrying her out to Kallie's jeep. "Um did Jake put a glue trap on you two?" Kallie asks. Me and Sophy laugh and I say "Well he didn't touch me and he better not have touched my girl." "P-LEASE. Like that would happen" Sophy says andd we all drive back to Rebekah's house. It has started to rain so we were running inside but when I look back sophy is standing in the yard with her arms out soaking in the rain. "Sophy your gonna get sick. Get inside" I say grabbing her arm.

She just shakes her head and pulls me in for a kiss. Our lips move in sync and I glide my tongue over her bottom lip begging for entrance which she gladly excepted. My tongue explored her mouth as my hands rest on her hips and her hands around my neck.

2hrs later

"Wanna watch a movie?" Kallie asked and everyone nodded. "How about the notebook?" Sophy suggested and the movie began. During the scene where Noah and Allie are kissing in the rain it reminded me of what me and Sophy had done a couple hours ago. Kissed in the rain. After the movie went off, it was dark and late and everyone except Zayn, Niall, Kallie, Harry, Rebekah, and Liam were tired. So basically it was just me and Sophy that's tired. We get up to go to bed and I pull her close under the covers giving her love bites on her earlobe.

 She smiles and places her fingers in my hair. "How did I get so lucky to have you?" she asks. "No you got it wrong I am the lucky one. You have no idea how good you make me feel." She purses her lips and gives me a high five. Well not really, it's a hand hug. Where our hands are touching and our thumbs are wrapped around each others hand. "I love you Lou." " I love you too" I say and kiss her on the fourhead cuddling up to her.

I got my Sophy back, we kissed in the rain, hand a hand hug, she said she loved me. Wow today really is the perfect day.

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