Chapter 5

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Kallie's POV

Really? He likes me. Omg. The Niall Horan likes me. "Well I like you but I would like you more if I had some food in my stomach." He laughs and says "Ok." We walk out the door but before we could get to the car I get a face full of brown hair. Ugh now my head hurts. I look up and see my best friend Rebekah. "Oh my gosh", We get up and hug each other, "How was your time in New York?" She lives nextdoor and we live in Miami, Florida. She got a job offer in New York and now she's on break. "It was great and I got an office next to the window." "Wow. Good for you," I say because she was hoping she'd get a window office. Then she notices Niall who is standing there looking at both of us.

"OMG  is this....." "yes and  he's staying here for a month. His mom and my mom are really good friends" I say cutting her sentence off. She just keeps looking at him, she isn't like in love with him but she likes One Direction. She's more of a Harry Styles fan lover but she's still a bit starstruck. I say "We we're just about to get breakfast. You wanna come? Oh and Niall this is Rebekah." "No I already ate I have to go unpack anyway but I'll be over at about 12:00." "Ok bye." She waves and walks to her house. I still haven't told her about Marcus.

After breakfast

It's 11:55 so Rebekah should be here in a few minutes. Then the doorbell rings, or a few seconds. Niall opens the door. Rebekah says "Hi" then she walks through the doorway and hops on the couch next to me. "Guess what I got," She asks. "What?" She reaches into her purse and pulls out a One Direction ticket. "No way really your going?" I ask. "Yeah but I couldn't afford 2 so I couldn't get you one." "That's ok," I say but I really wanted to go.

 Niall comes over and says "Watcha talking about?" in his amazing irish voice. "Oh nothing just that she got a One Direction ticket," I say and he says "Oh that reminds me." He walks into his room. When he comes back he has something in his hand. He hands me a ticket for the concert. "Really? No way." I wrap my arms around his neck. When I let go he hands me something else. "2 backsatge passes" I say. "Yeah so you can bring Rebekah." "Thanks," We both say. "No problem."

1 hour later

"Well I gotta go Mom wants me to help with dinner." "Ok." After she leaves I go into the my room and see a note on the bed.

Dear Kallie,

I really, really like you. I do. I was wandering if you would like to be my girlfriend?

Love, Niall

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