Chapter 28: Charming Little Scheme

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"August Harvest"

Chapter 28: Charming Little Scheme

August was now officially over. Life quickly returned to normal in Chaldea once the calendars changed to September. Anything and everything that had been brought over to Okeanos had to be packed up and returned to the facility, especially if the staff and Servants didn't want anyone from Proper Human History to stumble upon any technology beyond their comprehension. Likewise, the Caster-class Servants banded together and used their magic to forcefully disintegrate Aspidochelone's corpse into mana that would return to the World in due time. Now that any and all traces of Chaldea's presence were removed from Okeanos, the Fomorian Singularity could be declared resolved.

On the first day of September, Connla gave Crom Cruach a tour throughout Chaldea. It became readily apparent that he wasn't fond of areas with large crowds or loud noises, and that he preferred quiet spots like the library, study hall, and the meditation chamber. As she showed him the classroom, he gazed languidly at the chalkboard. He felt compelled to hold a piece of white chalk betwixt his fingers and stare at the dark green board.

What is this strange sensation I am experiencing? Some kind of nostalgia?

"Is something wrong?" Connla asked, noticing that he wasn't fully paying attention to her.

"It's nothing. No need to concern yourself," Crom Cruach muttered and put the piece of chalk down, then thought, Must have been a subconscious reaction from my vessel.

He followed the little girl through the halls, and she opened a small phone to speak with someone for a few minutes. He heard her murmur, "Hello? Yes, it's me. Am I allowed to pay you a visit right now? ... No, no, I don't think he'll cause you any trouble. ... I understand how you feel, but please don't rush to conclusions. Not every male is like that. ... Yes... Yes, I know... Yes, of course. I'll bring him with me shortly."

She hung up, and he asked, "Who were you speaking to?"

"We're a little short on spare rooms at the moment, so I asked a particular Servant if she could let you board with her temporarily. We're going to go meet her so we can see if she'll be comfortable with you. She has some trust issues, so it was hard to convince her to go along with this."

"I see."

Crom Cruach followed Connla through the dormitory halls until they reached a particular room. She rung the door chime and said to the voice comm, "We're here. Could you let us in?"

"Just a minute," a woman's voice replied. About 30 seconds later, the door slid open, revealing the lady Servant to be the Witch of Colchis, Medea. Her hair looked slightly matted, and she didn't have her makeup on. She looked a little irritated, but remained cordial with Connla as she said, "You're early. I still haven't tidied up my sculpting atelier, you know."

"I don't think he'll mind," the Lancer replied.

Medea's eyes shifted upward until they met Crom Cruach's, and her cadence immediately changed. Her sour mood disappeared, and her eyes widened slightly as she scrutinized this gaunt fellow standing before her. A small, "Oh," escaped her lips. He didn't react to her presence whatsoever.

"Can we come in?" Connla asked.

Medea snapped out of her reverie, and she uttered, "Ah... O-Of course."

She guided the pair inside her room. It was a large single room divided into several distinct areas such as the kitchen, recreational lounge, bedroom, and a workshop for crafting figurines and clothes. Medea patted the couch down and gestured to Crom Cruach, "Please, make yourself at home. I'll get some tea ready."

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