Chapter 7: Cu and Wu

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"August Harvest"

Chapter 7: Cu and Wu

Cuchulainn tucked the drunken Connla beneath the blankets of her bed, then checked her temperature before feeling confident enough to leave her be. Even though she only had small sips, the miniscule amount of alcohol mixed in with the coffee was so high-proof that it literally knocked her out. Coupled with the stress she unloaded during her stupor, it was enough to trigger another one of her Imbas Forosnai dreams.

This time, Connla was in the perspective of another one of her selves who was already traveling along with a crowd of other Servants in some endlessly winding hallways. The group was comprised primarily of child Servants who were, at least in physical appearance, no older than 12 years old. There were the obvious candidates such as Jack the Ripper, Nursery Rhyme and Gilgamesh (who preferred to go by the nickname Gil). Included in the team was a purple-haired girl who wore Chinese-themed clothes mainly consisting of a purple dress held up by a blue bow tied around her chest, accompanied with long blue sleeves and various yellow ribbons. From her countenance though, she wasn't particularly inclined to try and fit in with the rest of them, opting to maintain a healthy distance while exercising her penchant for endless pontification.

There was also another version of Artoria who appeared significantly younger than her usual self, who wore silver armor atop a cute ensemble of white clothes and a skirt, and bore the Sword of Selection Caliburn rather than Excalibur. There was also Alexander, the childhood version of Iskandar, dressed in a regal-looking tunic. He kept his long red hair tied in a messy braid, which made him appear all the more charming to those who would be enamored by strong-willed lads like him. Last but not least, there was Connla, although the others were not able to learn her True Name due to her geas. Thus she willingly went by the moniker of Cuchulainn Lily until they could figure out her real identity for themselves.

Leading this hodge-podge team of child Servants was a white-haired woman who sported feline ears and two tails like a nekomata. Her clothing consisted of little else than a white bra, black knee boots, and some dark fur located on convenient places of her slender body. The most grotesque aspect about her was that a massive decapitated boar head was affixed to her right shoulder. Maybe it was for this reason that the Chinese girl maintained a healthy distance from the cat-woman, remaining as far back in the crowd as possible while tightly gripping the bewildered Connla's shoulders.

"Are you okay? You look like you're about to faint," the Lancer wondered.

"Do we look like we're okay!?" the Chinese girl quietly hissed in her guardian's ear. Since she was of royal heritage, she had a habit of addressing herself in the plural sense. She pointed at the woman leading the pack and snarled, "Can't someone remove that hideous feline woman from our sight!? If there are two things we hate, they are ghosts and cats!"

"But Lady Atalante was instrumental in bringing us together and fighting the Minotaur. We already decided by vote that she would be the leader, so you'll just have to put up with it."

"Pah! Democracy, nothing! Such an idealistic form of government should be abolished immediately! Any and all decisions should be made by those at the top, and we are of the highest seniority even among the other royal Servants here! The only reason we have been magnanimous enough to abide by such a foolish system is because of that abominable curse that Consort Xiao cast upon us before her death!"

"The one where you would turn into a mouse, and she'd become a cat and eat you?"

"Indeed! Oooh, of all the ill-fortune to strike us! Why must we cooperate with the Greek huntress who was turned into a lioness!? And to think there are at least three other kings vying for the top position as well! How intolerable! If you were not around to exorcise the ghosts when they attacked us, we would have been finished!"

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