Chapter 8: Guidance of the Kings

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"August Harvest"

Chapter 8: Guidance of the Kings

Connla felt her mind be absorbed back into her body as the dream ended, much like a vacuum sucking up dust off the floor. The sensation woke her numbed senses up, and she instantly realized that she felt terrible. Even without opening her eyes, her brain was practically doing somersaults inside her cranium.

"Uuuuh," she moaned. At least the blankets were nice and cozy, so she tried to curl up and make herself comfortable.

"Mornin', sleepyhead," she heard Cuchulainn Alter's voice break the silence, and she opened her eyes to gaze up at him. He was sitting on a stool next to her bed and observing her as she slept.

"Father... I don't know why, but I feel absolutely horrible..."

"No kidding. It's called a hangover."

"A what, now?"

"The aftereffects of consuming alcohol. Don't you remember what you did yesterday?"

"Um... I went with Lancer to do some shopping?"

"That was two days ago. Yesterday, Shuten-Douji dragged you to her room and got you plastered on spiked coffee."

"Hmm... ummm... oh! Yes, now I remember! Lady Shuten brought me over for a visit!" Connla realized. "We did some talking, but I really don't recall about what though. I know I took some sips of that coffee that Lady Ibaraki gave me. I just can't remember anything other than some strange buzz hitting me in my head and chest though."

Cuchulainn became visibly upset as he grumbled, "What the hell were you thinking? You should never, ever accept anything that those two worthless oni give you."

"But I was feeling so down after what Lancer did that I wasn't really thinking straight."

"Ugh... Guess I can't blame you for that. Besides, I was there with you inside Mini-Cu and failed to stop them too. Part of this is my fault as well."

"Even so," the young Servant gazed away blankly, "that buzz felt rather nice, as if all of my problems disappeared for a short while. I think I might try that stuff again."

His eyes immediately flared, and he snarled, "No drinking."


"Don't you whine at me, young lady. I refuse to watch you slip into alcoholism like that. The next time you willingly consume that crap, I'll drag you over my knee and give you five good whacks to your bottom to sober you up."

She raised an eyebrow and wondered, "Huh? That's it?"

"What do you mean 'that's it'?"

"Mother would do something like whip me 100 times, or make me run up and down the mountain within an afternoon, or test a sharpened knife on my back shoulder. Your idea of a punishment seems rather tame in comparison."

Cuchulainn's heart beat out of rhythm as he heard this, and he reeled in disgust. Connla winced, then tucked her lower face beneath the covers as she whimpered, "Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that."

"No, it's fine," he assured and rubbed her head. "I can see how alcohol would be tempting to you, but don't do it. I don't want to see you behave like that again."

"Like what?"

"Just some verbal dramatics."

"Oh dear. Did I say anything to upset you?"

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