Chapter 17: Infiltration, Confrontation

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"August Harvest"

Chapter 17: Infiltration, Confrontation

Way in the outskirts of Uma, two figures concealed themselves behind some craggy rocks. They watched as Parvati, Nursery Rhyme and the soldiers marched through a different entrance leading into the deep caverns.

"There they go," Beowulf murmured. "Now that the bulk of the army is gone, it should be easier for us to move around in the city."

Heroine X nodded, then asked, "So what's the plan? I know for a fact that the Fomorian idol is inside the palace, and I can sneak in very easily. The same can't be said for you – your whole 'burly bruiser' aesthetic is certain to alarm the locals."

"No problem. I've been to the tavern before and know some of the folks here. Your job would go a lot more smoothly if there was a distraction though, so that's exactly what I'm gonna do."

"A distraction at a tavern... Oh, I see. A bar fight."

"Yep. If I'm lucky, the short-tempered Archer should come to try and stop my antics. That'll be your chance to move."

"Got it. By the way, you think you could order some tandoori chicken for take-out? I've been having a serious craving for some lately."

"Didn't you just eat!?"

"My personal fuel tank is surprisingly greedy when it comes to consumption. I am beginning to believe that my stomach is host to a miniature black hole."

"No shit!"

"Ugh, fine. I'll just raid a food stand while waiting for your mission to be successful."

Beowulf rubbed his forehead. "You're hopeless..."


At the bridge leading to Uma, Ashwatthama stood there with his arms folded and watched as Parvati left with the soldiers. He felt uneasy about letting his queen march into battle when it should have been him instead, but orders were orders. If she trusted him to protect the city, then he was going to defend it with his life. He let out a deep huff, then said to Medusa, "I'm gonna go back to my usual patrol. What do you plan on doin'?"

The violet-haired lady calmly closed her eyes, as if she was in deep concentration. Ashwatthama never could tell what the woman was thinking, which irritated him to no end. Normally he would have gotten angry and confronted her in order to force her to talk, but Parvati demanded that they get along for the sake of Uma's safety. He tightened his lips and patiently waited for Medusa to respond.

"I will return to the palace," she finally replied. "I'm not exactly sure what it is, but I've been getting this distinct chill running down my spine."

"'Cause yer a Divine Spirit and can sense things that Heroic Spirits can't?"

"Perhaps. I do not like leaving such hunches unattended, so I will make sure the guardian deity is safe. I'm not the type to protect the citizens anyway - humans can rot in hell for all I care."

Ashwatthama grunted in consternation, but nevertheless understood her position. He said, "Well, whatever. So long as the city's in one piece by the time Lady Parvati comes back, then we can act separately. Leave the streets to me, sister."

"Very well," Medusa murmured, then flung one of her chains so it wrapped around a pole. She pulled herself high into the air and catapulted toward the castle.

Ashwatthama watched her leave, then scoffed to himself before returning to Uma.


In Zhou's town square, Connla took her time investigating the area. Since she was invisible, she could listen in to the people as they conversed with each other about life in the city. She could tell by the citizens' collective uneasiness that they weren't entirely happy with their living conditions. Everyone seemed to live in fear of each other, and there was a deep-rooted resentment for those who climbed up the proverbial hierarchy by snitching on others. In fact, there were rumors that innocent people had been executed, and that the more unsavory characters were enjoying the perks of such sacrifices due to Wu Zetian promoting them into higher social classes.

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