Chapter 6: Her True Thoughts

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"August Harvest"

Chapter 6: Her True Thoughts

Connla had her eyes squeezed shut during the Rayshift, fearing that she and Cuchulainn Lancer would wind up in a completely different era from what he intended. She knew her feet were planted on firm ground, and that the air was nice and mild, but that was it.

"Hey," Cuchulainn urged. "What are you standing there for? Take a look around."

She became perplexed when she heard his calm voice, then opened her eyes. She discovered that they were at the outskirts of a familiar city in rural Japan.

"This is... Fuyuki...?" she breathed in surprise.

"Yeah. My memories aren't the greatest, but I seem to remember having a connection with this place. I also read that record of yours about Second Lancer being summoned here, so I thought this would be a good spot to hang out for today."

Connla was still too bewildered to take in what he was saying. She wasn't sure if this was the Fuyuki from her dream or a completely different one, but she couldn't believe she was actually here to experience it for herself. Not only that, the fact that he wasn't freaking out because they were in some unknown destination meant that Da Vinci's little bauble actually worked. She feel entirely confident about the experiment being 100% successful, but she felt a lot better knowing that she could potentially Rayshift without any danger of Aisling interfering.

Cuchulainn patted her back and said, "Hey, don't just stand there. Let's get going already."

"R-Right... So, where are we headed to?"

"Let's just walk around for a while. If there's a good fishing spot, we can buy some gear and bring some nice fish home. If not, we can just stop by a fishmonger's shop or something."

"You must be hunkering for fish, aren't you? Should we try a sushi shop then?"

"Ooh, that's a good idea! My belly's kinda rumbling, so that'll be a good start!"

With that, they walked into the city's business district and searched around for a good place to eat. They then found the shopping center Verde and did some window shopping until they discovered a sports store where Cuchulainn bought some basic fishing equipment. Connla was so overwhelmed by the vast amount of items for sale that she really couldn't decide what to buy for herself. She did wind up purchasing some advanced textbooks and novels at a bookstore, along with some candy as souvenirs for Jack and Nursery Rhyme.

At around one o'clock, the duo reached a quiet harbor and decided to set up their fishing stations here. Since Connla had never fished before, Cuchulainn eagerly instructed her on how to use her rod before they could settle in and enjoy the experience together. There wasn't anyone around to disturb them for around two hours, so they could take in the ocean breeze, the rolling waves in the distance, and the screeching seagulls circling high above them.

Their peaceful afternoon would soon be rudely interrupted when a third person arrived to claim a fishing spot on the opposite side of the pier. Connla wasn't bothered by it, but Cuchulainn's mood immediately soured once he recognized who the competition was.

"Um..." the young girl mumbled as she glanced aside at the other man. "C-Can I ask what you're doing here, Mr. Emiya?"

"Oh, don't mind me. Just need to top up Chaldea's fridge with some fresh catches," Emiya Archer said. He was garbed in a traditional fisherman's outfit, complete with a red vest and baseball cap that simply didn't suit him whatsoever. His expression was smug as he dabbed his ultra-modern 99% carbon, 16-ball-bearing, no-vibration, electric-reeling fishing rod along the water with the inadequacy of a total novice, yet he kept bringing in catch after catch. Even though Emiya had not been there as long as the Celts were, the number of fish in his bucket already far surpassed their combined totals.

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