Chapter 11: Aspidochelone

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"August Harvest"

Chapter 11: Aspidochelone

Heroine X sat the three girls down like they were in a classroom, and she rested upon a flat stalagmite. It was clear to the child Servants that whatever her tale was, it was going to take some time to recount.

X cleared her throat, then said, "So, let me begin with how I wound up here. Clean your ears out, 'cause I'm only going to explain this once! You see, I come from the Servant Universe, a parallel world where interplanetary travel is normal and we always settle our differences through intense light-saber combat."

"Incredible! So you're an alien Servant!?" Jack exclaimed happily. "That's awesome! We're meeting a real alien!"

"Exactly! I'm glad you understand how monumental this occasion is! Anyway, I was passing by this world when I realized that I needed to restock on Altrium for my spaceship, so I thought I'd make a small pit stop here. I happened to land on an island within this realm that the locals refer to as Okeanos, as I discovered a fairly large concentration of Altrium that I could harvest. However, before I even knew it, the island actually began to move on its own!"

"A moving island!? What did you do next!?"

"Well, I attempted to board my spaceship once more, but with no Altrium to power it, I was essentially at the mercy of the rising waves. My beloved spaceship and I were consumed by the raging ocean. And then... as I opened my eyes in the water... I could see them."

"Them?" Jack and Nursery murmured together.


"... Eyes?"

"Not just any eyes! The most massive eyes I've ever seen in my life! They had to be as big as a mansion each, and they were spaced apart so wide, you could fit a football field between them!"


Behind the enthralled girls, Connla grew increasingly nervous. She visibly trembled as she murmured, "Y-Y-You're not suggesting what it is I think you're suggesting, are you?"

"Very good! You catch on quick, little Saber! If I had a Tiger Stamp, I would give you one!" X remarked boldly. "That's right! I had come face-to-face with a sea demon that was so large, it could compare to Golden Great Emperor Cosmo Gilgamesh's mothership Vimana! For indeed, I was swallowed by the fabled creature this world has come to dub as Aspidochelone, or the Shield Turtle!"

"A sea demon... Aspidochelone... So then, you're saying that by being 'swallowed', we were actually consumed by an ocean Phantasmal!?"

"EEEEH!?" Nursery and Jack screamed in total shock.

"Precisely!" X replied with proud fervor. "My spaceship and I were no match for the insatiable appetite of a giant that lurks within the hadal depths of the sea! I must admit though, that thing really has a good eye for food if it found me rather tasty!"

"In what universe is that a compliment!?" Connla shouted angrily.

"You mean other than mine?"

"This is absolutely terrible! I can't believe we've been inside a Phantasmal's innards this whole time! What are we supposed to do to get out of here!?"

"Well, I've been fervently exploring the region in search for Altrium so that I can escape myself. After all, when life gives you lemons, and all that."

Nursery asked, "So you were in the middle of such an expedition when you bumped into us?"

"Indeed. According to my spaceship's clock, I've been trapped here for at least 10 years."

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