Chapter 21: Lights That Purge Darkness

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"August Harvest"

Chapter 21: Lights That Purge Darkness

"Hah!" Heroine X cried out. The moment Lancelot threw the rock he mutated with his powers, X rushed in and carved her sword through it, cleanly bifurcating it and leaving it to explode behind her. She then ran through the altar room as Lancelot grabbed more rubble and hurled them at her in rapid-fire motion. When she found an opening, she skidded low before hopping straight for the mad knight and pointing her blade at his chest.

Darkness swirled around Lancelot's hand, and a sword of his own materialized in his grasp; Arondight, the holy sword constructed by the Lady of the Lake, now steeped with the same darkness as his armor. He snarled and used the weapon to viciously parry hers, knocking her arms so far up that she momentarily lost her balance.

Not good!

Lancelot raised his sword, intent on cutting through her torso. X wouldn't let him though – through a feat of tremendous agility, she leaned backwards and spun her leg around to deliver a roundhouse kick to his head.

"MRRRGH!" Lancelot snarled as he tumbled across the ground. He lost sight of her for just a second, so when he looked up again, he realized that she was gone. He still heard footsteps though, so he glared up and found the Assassin dashing along the walls. She dove down at him like a bullet, then slashed as hard as she could. He raised Arondight to block her, but his feet skidded along the floor so deeply that black marks were left behind.

X bounced off him. As he recovered, he felt a rush of wind pass by him. He quickly glanced back and saw that she was both in front and behind him at the same time. Did she split into two, or was she moving so quickly that it created the illusion of copies? He wasn't sure, but his frustration exploded into rage as the two Heroine Xes slashed and pummeled at him. They finished by carving a golden X shape in the air between them, which cut through Lancelot's armor and caused blood to fly out.

"GRAAA~AAA~AAAHHH!" he screamed so loudly that the room seemed to shake.

The copy of X disappeared, while the original raised Secretcalibur like a baseball bat and shouted, "Saber, HOME RUN!"

The sword flared with golden light until it resembled a futuristic energy weapon, then she swung it in batting fashion to cleave through Lancelot's breastplate. The Berserker went flying across the altar room until he smashed his back against the farthest wall. X wasn't finished though – she wouldn't allow him to take even a moment of rest. Her determination to eliminate any and all Sabers in the universe, even if they weren't actually in the Saber class, was so fervent that her mind blanked everything else out. A second sword formed in her left hand, colored black and red to complement the white and blue one in her right.

"Gaze upon the fellowship of dark and light! Sword of Starlight, obliterate! Eliminate the witness to my secret! EX..."

Before Lancelot knew what was happening, Heroine X frantically slashed, carved, cut, and sliced through the incapacitated Shadow Servant. She finished her strongest attack by cleaving a perfect golden X shape through his entire body.


He couldn't even scream anymore. The knight was flayed beyond recognition, and he literally clattered onto the ground as pieces. Soon though, his remnants lost their form and melted into piles of Void Dust. X made the red-and-black sword vanish, sheathed the blue-and-white one, then took out a bowl of ramen noodles from Pocketspace in her jacket and happily slurped them with a pair of chopstick.

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