Chapter 13: Sword Emperor

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"August Harvest"

Chapter 13: Sword Emperor

Deep in the jungle, Jing Ke guided Gilgamesh to where she spotted the strange statue before. Of course they were harassed by several native Hermit Crabs and Bicorns, but they posed no threat to the Servants. They left their bloody messes behind and continued on their way, but with each passing step, the Babylonian king was growing more and more irate.

"How long do you plan on dragging me through this balmy waterscape, woman?" he demanded harshly.

"Come now, you ruled from Uruk in the middle of the desert, didn't you? This kind of oppressive weather should be no big deal to you," Jing Ke told him.

"I will have you know that summer was the season which made or broke entire nations. This insouciant excuse for modern society may have the technology to stave off such heat, but in my time, no such conveniences existed. I often dreaded the coming months when I knew that thousands of my people would succumb to the unrelenting heat, and had to plan for the autumn months knowing that Babylonia was going to incur such massive losses."

"That's a surprise. Considering you're the tyrannical aspect of the King of Heroes, I didn't expect you to be so concerned with your citizens' welfare."

"Don't be so boorish. Each person was worth their weight in precious minerals, in as far as serving me to the best of their abilities. For those whom the summer heat claimed, it simply made life that much more problematic for me and my kingdom."

"I had a feeling that was the case."

Gilgamesh continued, "Can you imagine the number of conniving undertakers I had to deal with during the summer as they dared to con my people of their funds during such a dire time? Simply makes my blood boil just thinking about those schemers."

"I suppose crime is a timeless aspect of human society."

"That's rich, coming from the failure of an assassin who attempted to murder the First Emperor of China. The only reason you have any semblance of value as a Heroic Spirit is due to the potential fluctuations in history your foolish actions would have caused."

Jing Ke smirked and coolly retorted, "I suppose I should take that as a compliment."

"Hmph. Do you plan on pulling off the same feat against me? Are you acting so coy because you think you have lured me into a similar sort of trap?"

"Nonsense. We've both been summoned by the same Master, and are thus bound to cooperate with each other. Just as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, you have my word that I will concoct no such plan against you or any other royal Servant of Chaldea. No need for such tension when we should be taking it easy."

"Hm... Very well. So long as you show me this bizarre effigy soon enough, I will overlook being in the presence of a famed assassin whilst suffering this stifling heat."

Jing Ke frowned as she carefully looked around and said, "We're literally within sight of it. It's just rather well-hidden due to moss and foliage... Ah, found it."

She brushed aside some lush leaves and revealed the carved stone idol. Indeed, it had blended in so well with the environment due to the thick layer of moss growing on its exterior that one could be forgiven for missing sight of it completely. Gilgamesh leaned down and examined it with his keen eyes. It didn't really look like much at first glance, being just a slab of stone carved into the likeness of an old man crossing its arms in front of its chest. Something about the thin, sagging eyes and arched lips made it feel quite unnatural though. In fact, the longer he stared at it, the more its features appeared unholy and blasphemous to him.

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