Chapter 9: God of Light

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"August Harvest"

Chapter 9: God of Light

Three days following Connla's meeting with Ozymandias, a group of Servants left on an excursion to Okeanos, the location of the Third Singularity where Ritsuka and her then-fledgling band met the famed pirate Francis Drake (revealed to be a rowdy woman rather than a man) and embarked on an adventure to protect the Holy Grail from Jason and his Argonauts. Drake and her pirates were long gone by now, and the Singularity was corrected. Considering how isolated the islands of Okeanos were from the rest of the world, it was a safe location for Chaldea's Servants to traverse to without worrying about interfering with human history.

The island they chose to vacation on was the largest one in the peninsula, with a long beach stretching for miles on end. The sand was so clean and white that it could have been mistaken for snow, while the cerulean ocean thrust wave upon wave against the shoreline. Palm trees swayed in the warm breeze, tall grasses protruded from the sand, and various wild fruit trees produced a large selection of edible goods that were ripe for the picking. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, allowing for the sun to beam both its light and heat upon the undisturbed paradise.

Naturally, the Servants came prepared to deal with such balmy weather. Everyone was clothed in swimsuits, although not everyone was particularly excited about this prospect. Connla was most especially nervous about wearing a bathing suit since she never wore one before, and was appalled by how much skin she would show off. This greatly upset her due to her countless scars, and she was most scared of Gilgamesh and Ozymandias being offended by the sight of them. Nevertheless, Gilgamesh was insistent on her accompanying him as his retainer, so she didn't have much choice but to go along with it. Of course, both kings promised that they would not be bothered by her injuries, and everyone else make the same assurances, which served to boost her confidence a bit.

This was where Connla found herself. She had been caught up in the rush of preparing for this vacation that the realization was only dawning upon her just now. She, Emiya Archer and Boudica were all on barbecue duty this afternoon, with Connla responsible for cooking dozens of corn on the cob and other grilled vegetables. She still looked rather nervous ever since Gilgamesh showed her a swimsuit of his choice and forced her to put it on, and the other two could tell by her quiet demeanor.

Her attire consisted of a charming one-piece black swimsuit, a pair of sandals, and a small Hawaiian shirt that was modeled after the one Cuchulainn Lancer sometimes wore. Sadly, the numerous markings on her arms and legs were fully visible for anyone to see, along with the tiny mitsudomoe tattoo on her collarbone that represented her three geasa.

As Connla turned one of the corn, Emiya leaned in over her and said, "Mm, those smell quite nice. It won't be long before Boudica and I finish up, so get those on a plate as soon as you can. I can already hear Jack and Nursery bugging the others about when lunch will be ready."

"Mm," she nodded and did so, refusing to look up at him.

"What's the matter? Still upset about showing your scars?"


"There's nothing to worry about. Sure, most of us might not get along, but I can guarantee that you're in the company of friends. No one will belittle you, unless they don't mind having an arrow shot in their back."

"O-Okay..." Connla murmured as she set the vegetables on a tray.

Boudica called out from her barbecue, "The chicken skewers are ready! How are the steaks and burgers coming along?"

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