Chapter 3: Bonds of Family

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"August Harvest"

Chapter 3: Bonds of Family

Back in Chaldea, Roman's skin visibly turned pale as he analyzed the readings of the second Cuchulainn's power level. These numbers were similar to what he would see when Heracles was in one of his own throes of rage, except that those tended to be temporary spikes in rabid behavior before Ritsuka commanded him to calm down. Here, the numbers refused to go below the maximum threshold, and that made the doctor extremely anxious.

"My god..." he breathed in astonishment. "This is just too insane for words..."

"I've got a report!" a staff member exclaimed. "The unknown Cuchulainn just wiped out 30% of the enemy army! He's sustaining massive damage, but he's either healing himself or just flat out ignoring it!"

"Where are Cu Alter and Connla!?"

"They're retreating to a safe distance," another analyzer said. "No signs of the summoning circle being set though."

Roman clenched his teeth and glared at the screen that he used to converse with the Servants earlier. It showed nothing but static right now, so he couldn't monitor exactly what was going on to give any reliable instructions to them.

Come on! Establish the circle and get out of there already!


In the remnants of the Fifth Singularity, Cuchulainn Alter continued making a mad dash across the dusty plains while decked in his full Noble Phantasm armor. Connla wrapped her arms around his armored shoulders tightly and watched as a group of monsters attempted to surround them from either side.

"Get out of the way, you bastaaa~aaards!" Cuchulainn shrieked and slashed his massive red talons through the beasts multiple times. He certainly sounded a lot more frightened than before, and with good reason; the true Berserker Cuchulainn was still tearing through the larger monsters several kilometers away. In fact, they could still hear him screeching abnormal cries of rage despite being so far away. Alter didn't want to waste any time messing with these leftover creatures, preferring to make as much distance from the other Cuchulainn as humanly possible without leaving the Leyline behind.

"Uh-!" Connla gasped and squeezed her eyes shut as blood and guts splattered all over her crazed father. She kept her eyes closed to block out the carnage he was causing as he fervently dashed across the sandy plains like a raging storm of death and destruction. Dozens of werewolves and goblins were shredded into chunks of meat with no effort on his part.

As soon as he tore through the monsters barring their path, Cuchulainn came upon a long drop to the ground several hundred feet below. He realized that the horde of monsters was very thin in that area, so it would be the perfect spot for them to escape this world from. He called out to Connla, "We're gonna make a break for it! Whatever you do, hold on tight!"

"I already am!"

"Good! Here we go!"

He ran as close to the edge of the cliff as he could before leaping high into the sky. Connla winced as her body (which was practically tiny compared to his) threatened to go flying off her perch. She held on to his armor so firmly that she thought her fingers would fall off. It didn't help that her body and legs flailed over his shoulder as he plummeted to the ground below, and the wind viciously rushed through her hair. A few seconds later, Cuchulainn's feet slammed upon the arid earth and kicked up a cloud of dust around them.

"This is a good spot," he said, then exclaimed to his daughter, "All right, do it now!"

"Ah..." she yelped, still feeling rather stunned from the jump.

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