Chapter 23: Meeting of the Heroes

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"August Harvest"

Chapter 23: Meeting of the Heroes

By this time, Nero had guided the few remaining survivors out of the city and well into the outskirts. Most of the citizens were women and children, with only a small handful of men accompanying them. The majority of Roma's men were conscripted to be soldiers, and the women had to make the extremely difficult choice of leaving the elderly behind so they could save the children. That was why most of the women were crying profusely – they had to give up on their aged parents or relatives, and it left them devastated.

"Do not worry, my good people," Nero declared. "Though it was a most difficult trial for all of you, I assure you that those who have passed on would not wish for you to grieve so. Stand tall and know that you have survived through a true miracle, and are alive to carry on Roma's legacy."

"Miracle, nothing!" a despairing mother cried out. "You didn't have to leave anyone behind, Your Majesty!"

"Wrong! I had to entrust Caesar and Cleopatra with a most dangerous mission! If my intuition is correct, then they are no longer among us to tell of their tale of bravery! Then there are my soldiers – your fathers, brothers and husbands! Not to mention the thousands of people I failed to protect! Did you think I would flee to safety without a heavy heart!? Nay! Quite the opposite! But it was out of necessity! Believe me when I say this, but we share the same tears, anguish and frustration in this moment! Do not think that you are alone in your suffering!"

"Uh... Forgive me for that outburst..."

"Umu. Think nothing of it. Not even I have an inkling of why this tragedy has befallen us, yet it will be most difficult for me to conduct a thorough search when I have to ensure your safety."

"So what are we to do now, M'Lady?" one of Nero's female retainers wondered. "Is it possible for one of the other factions to grant us citizenship?"

"Muu..." Nero pondered deeply. "That is the only viable option we have, though I fear it would be suicide if we were to venture to Zhou."

"That means Uma is our only option."

"Indeed. I have heard of overcrowding issues there, but Parvati is a most benevolent woman. If I explain the situation, she will surely welcome us with open arms, despite our past as bitter rivals."

A man then asked, "But what if Uma has been attacked the same way we have? If Uma falls, then we really would have no choice but to seek shelter in Zhou!"

"How dreadful..." another woman moaned fearfully. "I don't know what's worse, being eaten by those horrible monsters or Wu Zetian treating us like garbage."

Nero remarked, "Nothing is certain until we see for ourselves. Do not let doubt cloud your minds. Stay calm and focus on shepherding the children. Once we are within proximity of Uma, I will go on ahead and investigate the situation myself."


The present...

"And there you have it," Nero concluded her story with a forlorn expression. "Just like that, my beloved Roma is in ruins, and I only have around 100 survivors left to guide to safety."

"How awful," Parvati gasped. "Zhou and Uma actually fared better in comparison."

"Oooh... What cruel irony! To think that the grandest of the three factions would have the most fatalities! What in the world were those creatures that robbed me of two Servants and thousands of people!? Why was my entire city transformed into an arena of blood and senseless carnage!? I demand an explanation for this!"

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