Chapter 24: Unveiling the Mastermind

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"August Harvest"

Chapter 24: Unveiling the Mastermind

"Damn it! Why won't these things just get lost already!?" Elizabeth cried out as she jabbed her lance through a Fomorian's neck.

"We must've really pissed off the big guy now!" Ashwatthama exclaimed, then smashed another fiend to death with his chakram. "Fine by me, though! I say bring it on!"

"No, don't bring it on, you obstinate fool! I'm already tired from having to fight Carmilla and protecting everyone in Zhou!"

"Hm," Li Shuwen muttered in disappointment, getting up after killing a monster of his own. "I suppose it was too much to ask of mere pawns to offer a challenge for me. Even so, their numbers are nothing to scoff at."

"Gah! In layman's vernacular, this absolutely bites!" Wu Zetian complained. She summoned several of her Kuli and commanded them to gang up on a couple of advancing Fomorians. The irate empress couldn't sustain her familiars for very long though, so she dismissed them and yelled, "What are we supposed to do!? The villain still lurks in the shadows and laughs at us, treating us like mere toys for their amusement! It is enough to make our blood boil!"

One of the larger creatures bounded for her, but was knocked to the ground courtesy of a diving kick from Medusa. She landed near Wu and muttered, "There must be a way to pinpoint their location. If we truly are inside a Phantasmal, then the number of places they can hide in should be limited."

"Everyone!" the Servants heard Connla calling out for them. She and Parvati hurried over to them, and the Saber exclaimed, "They're coming from the cranial region! We still haven't checked Aspidochelone's brain yet!"

Nursery widened her eyes. "Are you sure?"

"Positive! Grandfather showed me where the last stone idol is located!"

"Fwa ha ha ha!" Lucius laughed heartily. "Leave it to my namesake god to shine a path to our inevitable victory! Indeed, a Phantasmal's brain would be the easiest spot for a god to control it from within!"

"All we have to do is clear a path through the vanguard and go through the esophagus," Connla explained. "Grandfather will tell me where to go from there, but I'm sure there will be heavy defenses in place. There's no way I can go in alone like this."

"Very well!" Nero declared. "It is imperative that we split our forces in half! The assault team will follow Connla through to the cranial region, while the defense team will stay here and protect the citizens from any further attacks! We must think carefully of who to dispatch and who to leave behind!"

"Pah! She's a member of my Lugh Faction, so it's only natural that I stay with my subordinates and issue orders to them!" Lucius scoffed. "Beowulf and Heroine X are coming with me as well, of course!"

"Not going to ask for our opinions, huh? Well, fine with me. I would have come along anyway," Beowulf smirked.

X became angry and barked, "Can't be helped then! I'm still upset over losing my spaceship, and I need to cut loose on some Sabers to feel better!"

"Wherever Connla goes, we will go too!" Jack exclaimed as she and Nursery joined their friend's side. "I'll dismember anyone who gets in our way!"

"Umu! Such spirit! I'm feeling particularly fired up!" Nero smiled. "Alas, I shall stay here and ensure everyone's safety!"

Parvati looked over at Ashwatthama and Medusa, then said, "We should do the same too. Everyone must be beyond despair at this point, so I wish to calm them down."

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