New Years Eve

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It was New Years' Eve when he first met him. Staring at the sky full of colorful fireworks, his eyes sparkling and lips curved into a big smile.

It was New Year's Eve when he realizes, he had fallen to a guy who likes yellow. A guy whose heart is so kind, a guy who would choose others first before him.

It was New Years' Eve both of them confessed their undying love to each other. It was then they both got together, as a couple. And it was then they kissed under the colorful fireworks that both of them learned to love.

It was New Year's Eve both shared their first anniversary. He prepared a surprise that he is sure his partner would love.

It was New Years' Eve that he messed up. Big time. Both the males shared hurtful words and got hurt. One denied he was wrong. And One left. It was then both of them got separated.

It was New Years' Eve that he apologized and begged him to come back. It was then his ex saw the regret and guilt in his eyes. And It was then they got back.

It was New Years' Eve he asked his partner to be his other half. To be by his side forever. It was the day he proposed.

"Yes! I will marry you!"

It was New Years' Eve both of them celebrated it as a married couple.

Because of New Year's Eve, he met Jimin. The love of his life.

It was the New Year's eve spirit that brought them together.

*sniff* Ahh, Happy New Year Everyone. Congrats on everyone who made it this far. Even though it has been a rough year, you made it. And I'm proud of that.

Love you all. Hope u guys know that

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