a game that I can't win

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❝He's like a game that I can't win❞

Min Yoongi. A guy who could win almost everything. A sport game? He can win it. A video game? He can win it. A rap battle? He can win it. A heart for a girl? He can win it. He can basically win everything except a single game.. Winning Park Jimin's heart.

He really didn't know why everytime he wants to confess, his confidence would vanish like it wasn't even there. Everytime Jimin would smile, giggle, or laugh it would send butterflies to Yoongi's stomach, Yoongi's heart would flip and his cheeks would burn.

❝What are you doing to me Park?❞

He promised that one day, one day he would win Jimin's heart. He would make Jimin feel comfort and love like no one has ever given it to him. And the day finally came. Yoongi stood in the park holding Jimin's favorite flowers while memorising the lines he would say to his love. He started to get more nervous as soon as he spotted Jimin walking at this hour. He knew Jimin's schedule by heart.

But the younger is not alone. He's with someone, smiling, laughing holding hands exchanging "I love you's" to each other. Did it break Yoongi's heart? Of course it did. It shattered him. Yoongi dropped the flowers in the bin and started to walk away.

❝I took so long to tell you, and now I'm too late..❞

We are back to angst!!

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