Forgive me

500 17 7

A/n: A bottom Yoongi Oneshot. If you don't like it then you can skip.


"Min Yoongi! Come here!" Yelled Jimin but the little stick it his tongue and continued to run away from his caretaker. "Stop being naughty and listen to me!" Says Jimin as he chased the Little. He stopped to catch his breath, the little is surprisingly fast.

Toys we're scattered on the floor. The pillows are not arranged, some of them were even torn down. One of Yoongi's onesie was soiled in poster paint. While the younger was avoiding him, Jimin scratched his forehead. He's far beyond stressed right now.

He wonders why Yoongi is acting like this. He didn't even do something wrong. "If you won't come here in 3 I'm throwing shooky away" Jimin threatened to make the younger stop. "Nu!" Says the stubborn little as he crossed his arms, his eyebrows knitted and lips forming into a pout.

"Daddy will not do that! That's bad!"

Jimin grabbed the little's favorite toy and scoffed, "I will do that Min. Because you're being bad" Yoongi rolled his eyes and stomped his feet down the floor. "You're a bad daddy!" He yelled and started to sob. If Jimin was not stressed he would have quickly grabbed the little and cuddle him while saying sorry for making him cry but no. Yoongi did something bad today.

He broke the rules.

"Yeah? Well, you're being a bad boy. Now come here and tell me why did you throw my phone or there will be no cartoons for you" Jimin said and those words made the little look down. Still crying.

"Y-You.. You made Yoonie mad! You kissed your friend! You also broke the rule!" The little cried. Jimin's face fell. Shit.


"You tell me I'm bad? Nu! You are bad! You kissed your friend and you broke the rule!" Yelled the little. More tears started to fall on his cheeks. Jimin then immediately ran towards the crying little and scoop him in his arms. Guilt was drowning him.

"yoonie, I'm sorry. I was drunk" Jimin said. Yoongi tried to push his caretaker but the male didn't allow him. "No! You said you will not leave me and love me forever but why your friend said you live here!" The caretaker frowned.

"You made me Jealous! You bad!" Says the little as he punched the caretaker's chest softly while muttering 'bad daddy'.

"I'm so sorry baby, I didn't mean to do that. She suddenly kissed me. I was shocked. I'm... Sorry" Jimin said and wiped the little's tears. "I'm not mad at you anymore okay?"

The little started to sob more. "Please forgive me" Jimin begged and higher the little tighter. "Rookie is sorry too. I'm sorry for being a bad boy. Forgive Yoonie" the little apologized and Jimin smiled.

"I love you Yoonie"

"I love you too Diminie"

And just like that, they forgave each other. And they spend the night cuddling while watching their favorite movie.

All is well.

Somehow, I kinda liked this one-shot. I tried to make it cuter hehe

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