Regrets pt.2

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A/n: I finally made one :)


2 years has finally passed and it was safe to say that Jimin has finally moved on. He became more joyful when he left Seoul, when he left Yoongi. When he went back to Busan he couldn't help but feel like a new chapter would be published in his life.

He's still Single. But he doesn't have the urge to date. Not again. Maybe in a few more years.

He's still scared, but not like before. He's not the naive Jimin everyone - I mean Yoongi - used to know. His attitude changed. Heck even his appreance. He got even more attractive. Jimin wanted to face his fear. He wanted to show Yoongi that he's changed. He wanted to slap the fact that he has finally moved on and doesn't give a fuck about Yoongi anymore.

But Seoul is too big. Who knows how many days, months or years could he see Yoongi again. So he stayed. He stayed for one year and after that.

He met Yoongi.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry" Jimin exclaimed as he bumped into someone. The other male didn't scoff nor say nasty things at him. Which is very surprising. Instead the other male called him, "Jimin?"

The said male looked up upon knowing the owner of the voice. "Yoongi.."


"So, how are you?" Jimin smiled and carefully put his cup down before answering the older make in front him, "I'm fine actually. How about you?" Yoongi pursed his lips as he looked away.

He couldn't look Jimin straight in the eyes. Guilt and Regrets would fill his whole body. Two years have passed after that incident and he couldn't help but feel a wave of regrets drowning him everytime it comes back in his mind.

"Look Jimin, I'm-" Yoongi stopped when Jimin raised a hand in front him. "It's okay Yoongi. I understand. People make mistakes" Says the Younger with a smile.

And that made Yoongi even more regretful.

Why did he deserved Jimin? Why did he cheated?

"I forgive you"

Yoongi looked at Jimin with hope in his eyes. He bit his lips and looked down at the cup in front him. Maybe.. He still have a chance? Maybe they could start over? "But that doesn't mean I would give you another chance"

Yoongi's heart broke. "B-but why?" He asked, choking a sob. He heard Jimin sigh making him look up with a frown. "Listen, Yoongi," says Jimin.

"We can be friends but please move on. Stop hurting yourself" Yoongi shaped his head and slammed his fists at the table. Luckily, the store was not crowded so it's okay.

"You can't open a new chapter of your life if you keep re-reading it.."

Yoongi sat there looking down and Jimin left mumbling a "nice seeing you again Yoongi"


Yoongi hates himself for doing that.

He hates himself for cheating on a guy who eventually loved him.

He regretted everything.

I'm crying 😭 I hate this chapter AHHHHHHH

Ps. My cousin hit my head with a spatula causing it to have a bump >:(


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