Red String

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Jimin despise couples. He hates watching them being inlove infront him. Maybe it's because he never found his 'love' yet. Every 17th birthday of each human they would recieve a mark that symbolized their mates. Jimin never got his making him depressed but his mom said "time will come". He waited for days, weeks, months and years but nothing.. no mark.

He got depressed. This made him hate couples. Seeing them make him feel salty. 5 years passed after that day. This made him think.

Love doesn't exist.


Febuary 14 (valentines day)

The day Jimin's most hated holiday. Valentines. Couple being sweet everywhere. People dressing as cupid. Stores decorated with paper hearts. Roses, ugh. He hates them.

He used to isolate in his apartment in this time of the year but today, he has other plans. Working at the cafè the whole day. Though he doesn't want to do it but he has to. He needs to pay the bills, rent and more so he has no choice but to work at his most hated time of year.

A forced smile plastered in his face everytime he serves costumers.

Time passed by so quickly and now he is cleaning the cafè.

"Jimin-shii.. can you close the cafè today? I have a date to go with Joonie." His boss said while getting ready. Jimin wants to roll his eyes but restrained "sure hyung.." he said and continued wiping the table.

When their boss left his co-worker went to him.. "hyung.. can I go home first? I also have a date with Jungkook" Taehyung asked shyly. Jimin mentally groaned and answered "fine" that made Taehyung sprint towards his locker and left saying a big "THANK YOU!!" to Jimin.

"Why are dates even important? Love isn't real it's just a stupid illusion that could make human sad.." Jimin mumbled while sweeping.


December 24

It's almost christmas and Jimin is busy preparing for the holiday. He went to buy groceries and gifts the whole week. Decorating the christmas tree and more.

"Fuuccck!" He screeched when he didn't found the cake. He must've forgotten to bought it!

He groaned and grabbed the red scarf his grandmother gave him before she passed away.. it's pretty tragic

"FINNALY!" He yelled happily when he held the cake in his hands. Skipping happily back to his apartment holding the cake while humming.

"Sorry.." he mumbled when he bumped someone. The guy left in a hurry making Jimin shrug and skipping back.

"Oof" he said while holding the scarf. His eyes widened when he saw his neatly knityed scarf loosing a lot of strings.

"Oh no no no shit!" He said while tying the loosed strings in his pinky and grabbing the strings.

Pulling the strings with tears forming in his eyes. This scarf was special to him.

He halts when he sees a shadow infront him. Looking up still holding the loose strings and the cake his eyes widened.

It's the guy he bumped earlier. He never saw the face from so much hurry and he didn't know the guy was so handsome. His cat like eyes, the blonde hair tucked under the beanie, a black long coat that almost covered him whole, his red nose (because from all the cold), pale white skin, pink plump lips and cute nose.

He gulped. "Umm.. hello?" The guy snapped him out of his train of thoughts. "U-uh" he stuttered face flushing. "I said are these yours?" The man asked while holding the other loose strings in his hands (and the end tied in his pinky).

Jimin nodded, "okay then.." the guy said untying the string and giving it to Jimin. "I'm sorry for bumping you" the guy apologized. "It's okay Mr.." Jimin mumbled. "Yoongi" the guy answered.

"H-huh?" He asked while holding the cake tightly. "Yoongi. Call me Yoongi" the guy said. Jimin nodded "Jimin. My name is Jimin" he said with a smile.

"See ya Jimin" Yoongi said waving goodbye while walking away. "See ya.." he mumbled.


"Papa! Dada!" The small girl yelled while running towards her parents. "What is it Yoonji?" Jimin asked while carrying his child. "Look I got a star!" The kid said excitedly showing her wrist with a small star. "That's good baby.." Yoongi said smiling.

"Oh and papa! Our teacher gave us read scarfs as a gift. See!" She said showing the scarf she's been holding.

Yoongi and Jimin looked each other and smiled.

It's because of the red string of Jimin's scarf they met..

My first ever oneshot that I wrote in facebook ;-;

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